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16 PC Gamer Statistics: Target audience analysis

16 PC Gamer Statistics: Target audience analysis

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In the dynamic world of PC gaming, the players behind the screens are as diverse and intricate as the virtual universes they frequent. This study delves into the demographics, lifestyles, and preferences of those who prefer the immersive experience of PC and laptop gaming.

Our findings reveal that 43% of gamers are Millennials, reflecting a community leaning towards youthfulness. Dominated by a 59% male presence, the group not only exhibits a gender imbalance but also boasts a higher proportion of college-educated individuals compared to the general populace.

Financially, many within this circle enjoy a high annual household income and participate in the stability of a nuclear family. Not only are they more inclined to reside in bustling urban centers, but 13% also align themselves with the LGBTQ+ community, showcasing a spectrum of identities.

Surprisingly, an honest and respectable life holds less appeal for PC and laptop gamers than it does for the average consumer, perhaps hinting at the escapism afforded by their digital pastimes.

It is within the realms of science and technology that their interests predominantly lie, closely followed by a significant engagement in basketball—both playing and following the sport.

Unlike their peers, these gamers exhibit a proclivity for digital content management—a preference reflected by 46% of respondents. As innovators or early adopters, 23% of this population is quick to embrace new products.

Their concern for issues like climate change is poignant, and politically, they demonstrate a tendency for more right-leaning views than the average consumer, offering a glimpse into their collective conscience.

This intricate tapestry of statistics crafts a comprehensive portrait of the modern PC and laptop gamer, one that is as complex as the games they cherish.

PC/laptop gamers tend to be younger, 43% are Millenials

The graph below shows the demographic profile of PC/laptop gamers in the US by age group, highlighting the difference between the target audience and the general population (all respondents). The age groups are divided into four categories: Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers.

Here are some insights derived from the graph:


  • Millennials (ages around 26-41 as of 2023) constitute the largest segment of the target audience for PC/laptop gaming, making up 43%. This suggests that PC/laptop gaming content and marketing efforts would be most effective if tailored towards Millennial preferences and lifestyles.
  • Generation Z (ages around 10-25 as of 2023) is the second-largest segment within the target audience, with 25%. This indicates that younger consumers also represent a significant share of the PC/laptop gaming market. Brands should also focus on trends and content that appeal to this younger demographic.
  • The combined percentage of the target audience for PC/laptop gaming from Generation Z and Millennials makes up 68%, reinforcing the idea that PC/laptop gamers are generally younger.
  • Generation X (ages around 42-57 as of 2023) and Baby Boomers (ages around 58-76 as of 2023) represent smaller proportions of the PC/laptop gaming audience at 22% and 10%, respectively. While these groups are not the majority, they still represent a sizable market segment that could be targeted with more niche marketing strategies.
  • When compared to the demographic distribution of all respondents, the target audience for PC/laptop gaming skews significantly younger. For example, only 22% of all respondents are from Generation Z, compared to 25% in the target audience. Millennials also represent a larger proportion in the gaming audience (43%) compared to the general population (37%).
  • Conversely, older generations such as Generation X and Baby Boomers have a larger representation in the general population (29% and 13%, respectively) compared to the gaming audience (22% and 10%, respectively), which suggests that PC/laptop gaming is less prevalent among these older age groups.

In conclusion, PC/laptop gaming companies should consider focusing their efforts on engaging the Millennial and Generation Z cohorts. These groups are more likely to be gaming enthusiasts and, therefore, could be more receptive to gaming content, updates, and related products.

The data also suggests that while older generations are not the primary target market, they still make up a considerable segment, indicating an opportunity for inclusive marketing strategies that cater to a more diverse age range.

59% of PC/laptop gamers are male

Based on the graph below, which shows the demographic profile by gender for PC/laptop gamers compared to all respondents, several insights can be drawn.


  • Gender Distribution Among Gamers: For the target audience, which is PC/laptop gamers, the graph shows that males constitute 59% while females make up 41%. This indicates that male gamers are a majority in the PC/laptop gaming demographic.
  • Gender Distribution in the General Population: Looking at the general population or ‘All respondents,’ the gender distribution is evenly split with both males and females at 50%. This suggests that PC/laptop gaming has a significant skew towards male participants compared to the general population.
  • Gender-Specific Marketing Strategies: Companies that create and market PC/laptop games or gaming accessories may need to consider that their largest demographic, males, represent a somewhat more significant portion of their audience. However, the substantial 41% female gaming audience also indicates a strong female presence in the gaming world, suggesting the importance of including gender-inclusive marketing and product development strategies.
  • Potential for Industry Growth: The fact that females represent 41% of the gaming audience reveals an opportunity for growth within the industry. By developing and marketing games that appeal more broadly across gender lines, gaming companies could potentially increase their female user base.
  • Insights for Content Creators and Developers: Content creators and developers could use this data to tailor their gaming products and experiences to engage both male and female gamers effectively. Whether through storylines, characters, game mechanics, or community-building, acknowledging the diversity within the gaming audience could lead to more inclusive content.

It’s important to note that the graph presents a binary view of gender. The gaming industry is increasingly recognizing the importance of considering and including non-binary and transgender gamers in their analyses and marketing efforts.

In summary, while males make up a larger proportion of the PC/laptop gamer demographic, there is still a substantial female gaming presence. This demographic breakdown provides both challenges and opportunities for gaming industry stakeholders to create targeted and inclusive gaming experiences.

A relatively high share of pc/laptop gamers have a college degree

The graph below presents a comparison between the educational background of PC/laptop gamers (referred to as the target audience) and the general population (referred to as all respondents) in the U.S.

Here are some key observations and insights derived from the graph:


  • Higher Education Levels Among Gamers: A relatively high share (38%) of PC/laptop gamers have a college degree. This is 8% higher than the general population where only 30% have a college degree.
  • High School Education: Both groups have a fairly similar proportion of individuals with high school as their highest level of education (15% for the target audience and 17% for all respondents).
  • Some College/No Degree: A significant portion of PC/laptop gamers have some college education but no degree (27%), which is higher by 4% compared to 23% of all respondents.
  • Advanced Degrees: The target audience also has a higher proportion of individuals with advanced degrees (18%) when compared to all respondents (12%). This suggests that PC/laptop gamers are more likely to pursue further education beyond a bachelor’s degree.
  • Lower Education Levels: The proportion of respondents with less than a high school level of education is negligible in both groups (0% for the target audience and 5% for all respondents). In contrast, vocational training appears to be more common in the general population (6%) than among PC/laptop gamers (0%).
  • Marketing and Product Development Implications: This data suggests that PC/laptop gaming companies might consider targeting their products and marketing strategies towards individuals with higher education levels. The content and complexity of games might be tailored to this audience, possibly favoring more sophisticated or intellectually challenging games.
  • Consumer Spending Potential: Higher education often correlates with higher income levels, which could imply that the target audience for PC/laptop gaming may have more disposable income to spend on gaming products and services compared to the general population.
  • Continuing Education Opportunities: The high percentage of gamers with some college education but no degree may represent an opportunity for educational institutions to market continuing education or degree completion programs, possibly tied into gaming themes or gamification techniques.
  • General Observations: It’s clear that PC/laptop gaming is popular among a well-educated demographic. This could reinforce the trend of games being designed with complex narratives, deep mechanics, and elements that appeal to a more educated audience.

Overall, the data from the graph suggests that PC/laptop gamers tend to have a higher level of education compared to the general population, with a particularly notable difference among those with college and advanced degrees. This insight can be useful for various stakeholders in the gaming industry, including game developers, marketers, and education providers

Many PC/laptop gamers have a high annual household income

The graph below compares the income distribution of a specific “target audience” with “all respondents,” focusing on PC/laptop gamers’ household incomes.

The graph splits the income into three categories: High, Middle, and Low. Here’s an analysis of the data presented:

  1. Higher Income Representation in Gamers: The graph shows that PC/laptop gamers have a higher representation in the high-income category (41%) compared to all respondents (34%). This suggests that within the United States, individuals who play games on PCs or laptops are more likely to have higher household incomes than the average person.
  2. Middle Income Category: Both the target audience of PC/laptop gamers and all respondents have an equal distribution in the middle-income category (31% for gamers and 34% for all respondents). The similarity in these proportions indicates a consistent presence of the middle-income group across both segments.
  3. Lower Income Underrepresented in Gamers: When it comes to the low-income category, PC/laptop gamers are less represented (27%) compared to the general pool of respondents (32%). This trend could be due to the higher costs associated with PC/laptop gaming, such as the initial investment in hardware, which might be a barrier for lower-income individuals.


  • The PC/laptop gaming market has a larger proportion of individuals with higher disposable incomes. Game developers and marketing teams can target this audience with premium products and services, knowing that there is a likelihood of a better response.
  • The equal presence of the middle-income bracket in both groups indicates that PC/laptop gaming is a common entertainment choice across various income levels, not exclusively the preserve of higher earners.
  • The underrepresentation of low-income individuals within the PC/laptop gaming audience suggests that there may be challenges of accessibility or affordability within this group. This could inform strategies aimed at making PC/laptop gaming more accessible, such as more affordable hardware options or financing plans.
  • For businesses, knowing that the PC/laptop gaming audience has a higher high-income representation provides opportunities to tailor their business models, including offering luxury or high-value products, subscription services, and enhanced support or warranty services that might appeal to a wealthier consumer base.
  • The data can also serve as an insight into the potential buying power of the PC/laptop gaming community, which could attract more investment into the industry, with businesses and developers seeking to cater to a market segment with a higher than average income level.

Overall, the high proportion of high-income earners among the target audience of PC/laptop gamers indicates a consumer base with significant purchasing power, while the lower representation of low-income individuals might call for strategies to increase affordability and accessibility in PC/laptop gaming.

A relatively high share of PC/laptop gamers live in a nuclear family

To analyze the graph below, let’s break down the information displayed and take note of the key insights.

Data Categorization: The graph shows the demographic profile of income for two different groups – the target audience of PC/laptop gamers and all respondents. Income categories are broken down into high, middle, and low thirds of monthly household gross income.

Key Observations

  • Higher Proportion of High-Income Individuals: The target audience for PC/laptop gamers has a larger share of individuals with high income (41%) compared to the general population of all respondents (34%). This suggests that PC/laptop gaming is particularly popular among those with higher household incomes.
  • Similarity in Middle-Income Group: Both the target audience and all respondents have an equal percentage of individuals (34%) in the middle-income category. This indicates that the gaming audience in this income category is reflective of the general population distribution.
  • Lower Proportion of Low-Income Individuals: Only 27% of the target audience falls into the low-income category, compared to 32% of all respondents. This lower representation of low-income individuals in the gaming audience could suggest barriers to entry such as the cost of PC/laptop gaming equipment.


  • Marketing Strategies: Companies in the PC/laptop gaming industry can tailor their marketing strategies to target high-income consumers, potentially focusing on premium gaming products or services.
  • Accessibility Issues: The data might reflect a potential accessibility issue for low-income individuals, suggesting the need for more affordable gaming solutions or financing options to widen the audience.
  • Product Development: Game developers may consider that a significant portion of their audience has a higher disposable income, which might open opportunities for developing higher-end gaming experiences, such as those involving virtual reality or high-definition graphics.
  • Inclusivity Efforts: Although there is a disparity in income representation, the presence of low and middle-income individuals indicates that the gaming audience is diverse. Companies could aim for inclusive practices that cater to all income groups, such as offering a range of products at different price points.

The graph provides a snapshot of the income distribution among PC/laptop gamers versus the general population, highlighting an opportunity for businesses to engage with a typically higher-income demographic while also acknowledging the need for greater accessibility for those with lower incomes.

PC/laptop gamers are more likely to live in cities and urban areas than the average consumer

The graph below compares the type of community where PC/laptop gamers live versus the general population of all respondents in the U.S.

Here are several insights derived from analyzing the graph:


  • Urban Preference: PC/laptop gamers are more likely to be based in urban areas. We see that 29% of the target audience lives in large cities, which is 2% higher than the general populace.
  • Megacities Attraction: A significant difference is noticed in the proportion of PC/laptop gamers living in megacities (with over 5 million inhabitants). The target audience is 4% higher compared to all respondents.
  • Rural Representation: Conversely, there’s a lower representation of PC/laptop gamers in rural communities (13% for gamers versus 17% for all respondents), suggesting that gamers are less likely to live in rural areas.
  • Small and Medium-sized Towns: The percentage of PC/laptop gamers in small to medium-sized towns is roughly comparable to the general population, indicating a relatively even distribution in these areas.
  • Density and Connectivity: The trend suggests that areas with higher population density and likely better internet connectivity have a higher percentage of PC/laptop gamers. This may be due to the availability of faster or more reliable internet services, which are vital for online gaming.
  • Market Potential for Gaming Companies: Gaming companies might find it more lucrative to focus their marketing efforts and infrastructure development (such as servers for online gaming) in larger cities and megacities, where a more significant portion of their audience resides.
  • Localized Gaming Events and Communities: The higher concentration of gamers in cities could also offer opportunities for localized gaming events, community meetups, and retail experiences that cater specifically to the urban gaming community.
  • Rural Outreach: Game developers and service providers may also identify a need for more targeted outreach or services tailored to potential gamers in rural areas, considering they are underrepresented within the gaming population.

In conclusion, the key takeaway is that PC/laptop gamers tend to be more concentrated in urban and highly populated areas, which likely influences the availability and type of gaming content, the community activities, and the infrastructure investments made by companies in the gaming industry.

13% of PC/laptop gamers consider themselves part of the LGBTQ+ community

The graph below compares the percentage of PC/laptop gamers who consider themselves part of the LGBTQ+ community with the percentage of all respondents who identify as LGBTQ+.

Here are some insights and interpretations of the data presented:


  • Representation within the Community: The graph indicates that 13% of the target audience of PC/laptop gamers identifies as LGBTQ+, which is slightly higher than the 11% of all respondents who identify as such.
  • Inclusivity in Gaming: The fact that the proportion of gamers identifying as LGBTQ+ is higher than the overall respondent group suggests that the gaming community could be perceived as more inclusive or appealing to LGBTQ+ individuals, or perhaps that gaming serves as a comfortable space for self-expression among those who identify as LGBTQ+.
  • Consideration for Developers and Marketers: Game developers and marketers may see this as an opportunity to further tailor their content to be inclusive and representative of the LGBTQ+ community, knowing that a significant segment of their audience is part of this community.
  • Respondents Who Would Rather Not Say: There’s a small difference between the target audience and all respondents in terms of those who preferred not to disclose their LGBTQ+ status: 3% among PC/laptop gamers and 4% among all respondents. This information is important for data interpretation, as it indicates a degree of uncertainty or privacy concerns regarding personal identity disclosure.
  • Potential for Community Support and Advocacy: Companies involved in the PC/laptop gaming industry could consider support programs, partnerships with LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, or features within games that support the LGBTQ+ community, as the data shows meaningful representation within their consumer base.
  • Cultural Relevance and Engagement: Creating culturally relevant and engaging content that respects and celebrates diversity could help game companies to connect more deeply with this group of gamers.
  • Data Context and Trends Over Time: For further analysis, it would be crucial to consider how these figures have changed over time or how they compare with other forms of media consumption. Increased or decreased representation could indicate trends in social acceptance and the evolving dynamics of the gaming demographic.

In summary, PC/laptop game companies might use this data to inform their diversity and inclusion strategies, ensuring they create games and communities that recognize and support the representation of LGBTQ+ individuals within their audience.

An honest and respectable life has less importance to PC/laptop gamers than to the average consumer

The graph below presents information about the LGBTQ+ status of consumers in the U.S., specifically comparing the general population with a target audience of PC/laptop gamers.

Here are the insights drawn from the graph:


  • Representation in Gaming Community: The graph shows that within the PC/laptop gamer segment, 13% consider themselves part of the LGBTQ+ community, which is slightly higher (by 2%) than the general respondent population, where 11% identify as LGBTQ+.
  • Willingness to Disclose: There is a 1% difference in the willingness to disclose LGBTQ+ status between the target audience of PC/laptop gamers (3%) and all respondents (4%) who would rather not say. This may highlight a slightly higher comfort level or sense of safety within the gaming community regarding disclosing sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Majority Identity: Both for the general respondents and the target audience of PC/laptop gamers, the majority do not identify as LGBTQ+ with 85% and 84% respectively saying ‘No’.
  • Implications for Inclusivity: The fact that a significant percentage of the PC/laptop gaming community identifies as LGBTQ+ could have implications for the type of content, support, community engagement, and policies gaming companies might want to adopt to foster inclusivity and acceptance.
  • Marketing and Product Design: With a noticeable portion of the gaming audience identifying as LGBTQ+, marketing strategies and game design could consider including more diverse and representative characters and themes in games.
  • Community Building: Gaming platforms and developers might want to consider the significance of the LGBTQ+ community within their audience, potentially creating safer and more inclusive spaces for gamers of all identities.

In conclusion, the data indicates that within the PC/laptop gaming community, there is slightly higher representation of individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ compared to the general U.S. population being surveyed, suggesting a diverse demographic that the gaming industry can acknowledge and cater to in various aspects of game development and community engagement.

Science and technology are relatively prevelant interests of PC/laptop gamers

The graph below illustrates a comparison between the top 10 interests of PC/laptop gamers in the U.S. and all respondents (the general population) within the same survey.

Here is the analysis:


  • Dominant Interest in Science and Technology: The graph’s title indicates that science and technology are particularly prevalent interests among PC/laptop gamers. This is supported by the data, showing the highest recorded interest at 55% for this audience, compared to 51% for all respondents.
  • Significant Interests Beyond Gaming: While not explicitly shown on the graph, it can be inferred that gaming is likely a primary interest for the target audience (PC/laptop gamers). What is notable, however, is that there are several other topics that have strong interest levels, such as Movies and TV at 44%, Music at 39%, and Books and Literature at 38%.
  • Comparison with General Population: The interests of PC/laptop gamers generally surpass those of the general population, particularly in areas related to media and entertainment. For example, the interest in Movies and TV is 3 percentage points higher among gamers than all respondents.
  • Strong Interest in Health: Health and wellness are areas of substantial interest for both PC/laptop gamers and the general public, with a 35% interest level for both groups, indicating a shared concern across demographics.
  • Economics and Home and Garden: The least interest among PC/laptop gamers is in Economics and Home and Garden topics, with 31% and 30% respectively. Even though these are the lowest percentages for the gaming group, they are still higher than the interest levels shown by the general population (26% and 24%).
  • Focused Interests for Marketing and Product Strategy: The insights from this graph can help businesses tailor their marketing strategies and product offerings. Given that PC/laptop gamers have higher levels of interest in most categories compared to the general population, companies may focus on cross-promotional opportunities or bundle offers that align with these interests.
  • Implications for Content Creation: The data implies that gamers are a diverse audience with interests spanning various cultural and entertainment areas, suggesting that content creators and service providers can capture attention by integrating or referencing popular science, technology, entertainment, and health topics.
  • Trends: The graph doesn’t provide a time series, so it’s not possible to determine whether these interests are stable, increasing, or decreasing. For a comprehensive analysis, observing these trends over time would yield more insights into shifting interests and enable forecast planning.

In conclusion, PC/laptop gamers in the U.S. show a significant level of interest in various categories, with a particular inclination towards science and technology. This presents opportunities for targeted content and services that leverage these interests.

Additionally, despite the clear inclination towards science and technology, there is a well-rounded set of interests that includes other cultural and entertainment areas, which should be considered when developing products, services, and content aimed at this demographic.

PC/laptop gamers are more likely to have video gaming as a hobby than the average consumer

The graph below illustrates the top 10 hobbies and leisure activities of PC/laptop gamers in the U.S. compared to all respondents, which likely includes the general population.

Here is a comprehensive analysis based on the data presented:


  • Video Gaming as a Hobby: As expected, video gaming is the most popular hobby among PC/laptop gamers, with 50% indicating it as a hobby, which is 17% higher than the average of all respondents at 33%.
  • Comparing Interests with the General Population: PC/laptop gamers have high interest in most categories shown, but there are notable differences compared to the general population. This can suggest that PC/laptop gamers are more engaged with tech-related and active hobbies.
  • Technology Usage: The second most popular hobby within the target audience is gadgets, tech, and electronics at 41%, which is only slightly higher than the 40% from all respondents. This suggests a strong universal interest in technology amongst the general U.S. population.
  • Movies and Music: Watching movies and television is a hobby for both groups, with 39% of PC/laptop gamers and 36% of all respondents indicating interest. For music, the figures are very similar, with 37% for PC/laptop gamers and 35% for all respondents. This shows a shared interest in entertainment across both demographics.
  • Reading: 36% of PC/laptop gamers include reading as a hobby, compared to 31% for all respondents, suggesting that gamers are somewhat more inclined towards reading than the general population.
  • Sports Related Activities: There are significant differences in activities like fitness/sports (33% for PC/laptop gamers vs. 29% for all respondents) and outdoor activities like hiking/camping (31% for PC/laptop gamers vs. 23% for all respondents).
  • Cooking and Baking: Cooking and baking appear to be less popular among PC/laptop gamers at 30%, while it is 26% among all respondents.
  • Interest in Travel: For travel, the figures are close, at 28% for PC/laptop gamers and 25% for all respondents, indicating that PC/laptop gamers have a slightly higher interest in traveling than the average consumer.

Key conclusions from this data include:


  • The profile of a PC/laptop gamer appears to be of someone who is technologically inclined but also participates in a range of other activities such as reading, fitness, and outdoor activities.
  • Certain activities like cooking or baking, while not unpopular, are less prevalent among PC/laptop gamers compared to other hobbies.
  • PC/laptop gamers are more engaged with most types of hobbies and leisure activities compared to the general population, representing a group with diverse interests and active engagement in their personal time.

Content creators, marketers, and product developers can use these insights to tailor their offerings to the distinctive interests of PC/laptop gamers in the U.S.

A relatively large share of PC/laptop gamers play basketball

The graph below illustrates the top 10 sports activities of PC/laptop gamers in the U.S. It provides data on the percentage of gamers who engage in each sport occasionally.

Here are some key insights derived from the graph:


  • Popularity of Basketball: A relatively large share of PC/laptop gamers play basketball, with 16% of them participating in this sport. This suggests that basketball is a favorite among the gaming community and could be leveraged for marketing or gaming content related to sports.
  • Range of Interests: PC/laptop gamers have diverse interests in sports, as indicated by the near-even distribution among the top sports activities. This diversity suggests that these individuals are not just digitally oriented but also physically active.
  • Running and Jogging: Running and jogging are equally popular as basketball among PC/laptop gamers, also with 16% participating in these activities. This reflects a trend towards more easily accessible forms of exercise that don’t require much equipment or organization.
  • Soccer: Soccer, or football as it is known outside the United States, has a 14% participation rate among PC/laptop gamers, indicating its popularity as a global sport that resonates with the gaming community in the U.S.
  • Fitness/Gym: The data shows another 14% of PC/laptop gamers participate in fitness or gym activities, which demonstrates an interest in maintaining fitness and health.
  • Swimming: Another 13% of the respondents engage in swimming. The sport is relatively popular and is known for providing a complete body workout.
  • Cycling and Baseball: Both these sports are participated in by 12% of PC/laptop gamers, suggesting a moderate interest.
  • Comparing to the Base Population: It’s noteworthy that the percentages for each sport are fairly close among the top 10 activities. This could indicate that PC/laptop gamers have a balanced interest in different types of sports rather than a strong preference for one particular sport.
  • Golf and Hiking: These activities are at the bottom of the list but still engaged by 10% of the gaming audience, showing that they also have interests in sports associated with social aspects and enjoyment of nature.
  • Segmentation Opportunities: Given the varied sports interests, there’s an opportunity for game developers, marketers, and event organizers to create segmented offerings that cater to the specific sports communities within the gaming population.

The graph overall suggests that PC/laptop gamers are not only interested in virtual gaming but also actively participate in a broad array of physical sports. Their interests span from team sports like basketball and soccer to individual activities such as running, swimming, and cycling.

These insights could be valuable for targeted advertising, crossover events between sports and gaming, or the development of sports-themed games that may appeal to these PC/laptop gamers.

PC/laptop gamers are more likely to follow basketball than the average consumer

The graph below presents the top 10 sports followed by PC/laptop gamers in the U.S. compared to all respondents representing the average consumer. It’s a bar chart showing the percentage of each group’s interest in different sports.

Here are the insights:


  • Basketball: As indicated in the graph’s title, basketball appears to be the most significant outlier in terms of the difference in interest between PC/laptop gamers and the average consumer, with both groups having a 22% interest in the sport. However, this doesn’t quite suggest that PC/laptop gamers are “more likely to follow basketball than the average consumer” since the percentages are equal.
  • American Football: This sport has the highest following among PC/laptop gamers at 26% compared to 22% for the average consumer, indicating a higher interest level within the gaming community.
  • Baseball and Soccer: These sports are the next most popular among PC/laptop gamers at 17% and 15% respectively. Baseball is less popular with the average consumer compared to the gamers, while soccer shows only a small increase in interest among gamers.
  • Other Sports: Boxing, golf, tennis, and ice hockey show moderate interest from PC/laptop gamers, with a slightly higher interest for some sports like tennis and ice hockey compared to all respondents.
  • Less Popular Sports: Athletics (track and field) and mixed martial arts are less followed among the surveyed groups, with the interest being slightly higher among gamers for mixed martial arts.
  • Implications for Marketers: Given the interests of PC/laptop gamers, related industries could target this audience with sports-related content, especially American football and basketball. There might be opportunities for cross-promotion or partnerships between e-sports and traditional sports leagues or teams.
  • Gaming Content: Game developers might be encouraged by these interests to develop or improve sports simulation games, particularly in football, basketball, and less-served market niches like boxing or mixed martial arts, expecting a receptive audience.
  • Consumer Engagement: Businesses and brands could engage this demographic with sports-themed promotions or integrate sports content into their gaming-related marketing to create broader appeal.

In summary, the data shows PC/laptop gamers in the U.S. have varied interests in sports, with particular preference for American football, basketball, baseball, and soccer. For stakeholders looking to engage this demographic, these interests should be considered when crafting marketing strategies, content creation, and developing products.

46% of PC/laptop gamers state that they prefer digital content as it is easier to manage

The graph below presents data on consumer attitudes of PC/laptop gamers in the U.S. towards digital content and streaming services, as of August 2023. The blue bars represent the percentage of agreement from a target audience of PC/laptop gamers, and the gray bars represent all respondents.

Key insights derived from the graph include:


  • Image and Sound Quality: The highest level of agreement among the target audience (54%) is that it is important to them to get the best image and sound quality. This implies a significant emphasis on the quality of audiovisual experiences among PC/laptop gamers.
  • Discovery of Content: Half of the target audience appreciates digital services because they allow the discovery of new and exciting content. This indicates that digital platforms are valued for their ability to introduce users to a wide array of content.
  • Preference for Digital Content: A notable 46% of PC/laptop gamers prefer digital content because it is easier to manage. This could suggest that aspects like the convenience of access, organization, and storage are key factors in the preference for digital over physical media.
  • Cost Considerations: Cost is a factor for the target audience, with 35% stating that it is too expensive to afford all the streaming services they want. This points to a potential barrier to accessing content and could have implications for the business models of such services.
  • Alternative Websites and Apps: A significant portion of the target audience (35%) use alternative websites and apps to watch paid content for free. This reflects a notable inclination towards seeking unpaid methods of accessing digital content, which may concern publishers and content creators regarding copyright infringement and piracy.
  • Comparison with All Respondents: When comparing the attitudes of the target audience to all respondents, the PC/laptop gamers have a notably higher agreement in every category, indicating that these attitudes are stronger or more prevalent among this demographic.

Implications from this data could include:


  • Gaming-related businesses and content providers may need to focus on delivering high-quality audiovisual experiences to satisfy PC/laptop gamers.
  • Digital service providers could leverage the trend of content discovery by creating features that help users explore new gaming experiences.
  • The high cost of streaming services suggests there is a market for more affordable or bundled service options tailored to budget-conscious gamers.
  • The use of alternative sites and apps for free content might be addressed through more competitive pricing, improved access, or combating piracy effectively.

This information can assist stakeholders in making informed decisions pertaining to content delivery, service offerings, pricing strategies, and piracy issues tailored to the gaming community.

23% of PC/laptop gamers are innovators or early adopters of new products

The graph below presents data on innovation adopter types based on statements towards innovation by consumers in the U.S. It compares the responses of a target audience, specified as PC/laptop gamers, against all respondents. The categories of adopters shown are Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, and Laggards.


  • Innovators: A small 2% of PC/laptop gamers identify themselves as Innovators, which is double the percentage of all respondents at 1%. This indicates that within the gaming community, there is a slightly higher propensity to try out new products first.
  • Early Adopters: A significantly larger segment of PC/laptop gamers (20%) considers themselves Early Adopters compared to 12% of all respondents. This highlights that a considerable number of PC/laptop gamers are more inclined to adopt new products early in their life cycle.
  • Early Majority: PC/laptop gamers lead by 39% in the Early Majority category relative to 37% of all respondents, showing that they are generally quicker to adopt new products than the average consumer.
  • Late Majority: For the Late Majority category, 19% of PC/laptop gamers and 26% of all respondents are represented. This indicates that PC/laptop gamers are less likely to wait until the majority has tried a product before they do.
  • Laggards: Finally, in the Laggards category, there is a similar percentage of PC/laptop gamers (20%) and all respondents (25%), suggesting that one in five gamers are still hesitant to adopt new products until they have become established in the market.

Overall, the graph suggests that PC/laptop gamers tend to adopt new products sooner than the average consumer. This could imply that they are more technologically savvy or more interested in new technologies and innovations, which resonates with their interest in PC gaming—a field often associated with cutting-edge hardware and software.

The trend could be useful for marketers and product developers since this target audience could be receptive to new products and might be valuable as early adopters and influencers. Additionally, businesses launching new technologies might prioritize this demographic to gain early market traction.

A relatively high share of PC/laptop gamers think that climate change is an issue that needs to be addressed

Based on the graph below, the following insights can be drawn:


  • Climate Change Concern: The graph highlights that a large proportion of PC/laptop gamers (53%) believe climate change is an important issue that needs to be addressed in the United States. This is slightly higher than the percentage of all respondents, of which 50% consider climate change a significant concern.
  • Health Care Importance: Health care is considered a crucial challenge by both target audiences, with 42% of PC/laptop gamers and 42% of all respondents emphasizing it. This indicates a shared concern for health care issues among the general population and the specific group of PC/laptop gamers.
  • Economic Issues: The economy is weighted equally important by both groups at 40%, showing a consensus across the board about the importance of economic challenges.
  • Crime and Violence: Crime and violence are seen as an important issue by 36% of both PC/laptop gamers and all respondents. This reflects a common concern about safety and law enforcement effectiveness.
  • Education Concerns: Education is recognized as an important issue by 36% of PC/laptop gamers, which matches the percentage of all respondents. The equal distribution suggests that education is a universally acknowledged challenge.
  • Employment/Jobs: Similarly, both PC/laptop gamers and all respondents equally regard employment and job creation as important, with 33% from both groups aligning on this issue.
  • Immigration: Immigration is considered to be slightly more important by PC/laptop gamers (36%) in comparison to all respondents (34%), indicating a slightly higher level of concern among the gaming subgroup.
  • Political Unrest/Tension: Political unrest or tension is perceived as an issue by 34% of PC/laptop gamers, compared to 30% of all respondents. This represents a broader concern for political stability among gamers.
  • Inequality (e.g., racial inequality, income disparity): A nearly equal proportion of the two groups, 32% of PC/laptop gamers and 29% of all respondents, view inequality as a pressing issue.
  • National Debt: When it comes to the national debt, both groups show a similar level of concern, with 32% of PC/laptop gamers and 30% of all respondents recognizing it as an important issue to be addressed.

Overall, the graph demonstrates that PC/laptop gamers share many of the same societal concerns as the general population, while showing a slightly higher concern for climate change, immigration, and political unrest.

The close alignment of issues suggests that the attitudes of PC/laptop gamers towards these major challenges are reflective of broader public opinion. These insights could be valuable for policymakers, campaign strategists, and organizations looking to engage with or understand the priorities of this demographic.

PC/laptop gamers tend to have more right leaning political views than average consumers

The graph below presents data on the political attitudes of PC/laptop gamers compared to all respondents in the U.S. It categorizes their political views into three main categories: Left, Center, and Right, with an additional category for those who prefer not to answer.

From the graph, we can see the following distribution of political attitudes:

  1. Left-Leaning:
    1. Target Audience (PC/laptop gamers): 21%
    2. All Respondents: 21%
  2. Center:
    1. Target Audience: 27%
    2. All Respondents: 28%
  3. Right-Leaning:
    1. Target Audience: 41%
    2. All Respondents: 34%
  4. Prefer Not to Answer:
    1. Target Audience: 11%
    2. All Respondents: 17%


  • The percentage of PC/laptop gamers with left-leaning views is identical to that of all respondents (21%), suggesting that political perspectives among gamers in this category mirror the general population.
  • A slightly smaller percentage of PC/laptop gamers consider themselves Centrists (27%) compared to all respondents (28%), hinting at a minor difference in moderate views between the two groups.
  • Notably, PC/laptop gamers are more likely to have right-leaning views (41%) than the all-respondent average (34%). This suggests a stronger inclination toward conservative attitudes within the PC/laptop gaming community.
  • There’s a higher percentage of all respondents who prefer not to disclose their political views (17%) compared with PC/laptop gamers (11%). This could indicate that the gaming audience is more comfortable sharing their political stance, or it might reflect a sample variation.

The data suggests that marketers, content creators, and political campaigners targeting the PC/laptop gaming demographic may need to consider these political trends when catering content or messages to this audience. Businesses and policymakers might also use this information to inform decision-making processes, ensuring that their strategies are appropriately aligned with the political leanings of their target audience.

It’s important to understand that while these trends provide a snapshot of political attitudes, individual beliefs are complex and multi-faceted, and this graph represents a simplification for the purposes of analysis.

Note: This analysis does not extend to the reasons behind these trends or the wider societal implications, as these would require more detailed sociological and political research beyond what’s presented in the graph.


The PC and laptop gaming community has emerged as a distinct and influential demographic, reflecting a unique blend of social, economic, and cultural characteristics.

Skewing younger, with 43% falling within the Millennial generation, and predominantly male (59%), this group showcases a high educational attainment with many holding college degrees.

The economic prowess of this community is underscored by their high annual household incomes and propensity to reside in nuclear families, primarily in urban locales.

Their embrace of diversity is evidenced by the 13% who identify as LGBTQ+, marking an inclusive aspect of this digital culture.

Interest in science and technology is notably prevalent, aligning naturally with a hobby rooted in advancing electronic frontiers.

However, the PC gaming community has diverse passions, including playing and following basketball—a departure from the stereotypical confines of gaming.

This audience’s preference for digital content management is indicative of evolving consumption behaviors in our increasingly online world.

As early adopters and innovators (23%), their engagement with emerging products is pivotal for market trends, especially with their heightened awareness of global issues like climate change.

Politically, they tend to lean more to the right than the average consumer, revealing a complex socio-political profile that both echoes and diverges from broader societal norms.

Understanding this demographic’s intricacies is critical for stakeholders aiming to reach and resonate with PC and laptop gamers.

From marketing strategies to policy formation, the data underscores the importance of a nuanced approach that considers the dynamic interplay between leisure activities, sociocultural identity, and technology’s prominence in shaping contemporary lifestyles.

In conclusion, the portrait of the PC/laptop gamer is multifaceted, displaying a unique intersection of technology affinity with traditional hobbies like sports, a willingness to experiment with novel products, and a conscientious stance on pivotal societal issues.

Their political inclination also holds implications for brand alignments and content creation. This collective analysis is essential for targeting campaigns, product design, and social engagement that connect authentically with this robust and diverse community.

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Ethan Harrison

Ethan Harrison

Ethan James Harrison, an Ohio State University Computer Science graduate and established technology author, possesses extensive IT experience with a special interest in cybersecurity. Having worked for multinational IT firms, Harrison has honed his skills in network security and system administration, making him a respected consultant and authoritative voice in the tech industry. Besides his IT expertise, he's also known for his passion for gaming, developed during his time as a lead writer for an online publication where he produced insightful gaming content.

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