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30 Hulu Statistics: Unveiling Stats & Trends

30 Hulu Statistics: Unveiling Stats & Trends

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In an era where streaming services are fiercely competing for eyeballs and engagement, Hulu stands out as a key player in the digital entertainment landscape. This study offers a comprehensive dive into the vast ocean of Hulu’s operational data and market performance.

This article meticulously dissects the platform’s subscriber base, providing a detailed breakdown of user demographics and growth trends that illustrate Hulu’s place in the streaming hierarchy.

We’ll explore the popularity and financial dynamics of Hulu’s ad-supported plan, a unique offering that sets it apart from ad-free competitors. From there, we delve into the breadth and success of Hulu’s content library, discussing how its original productions and licensed shows fare against users’ ever-evolving tastes.

A critical comparison with other streaming giants illuminates Hulu’s competitive stance in an industry marked by cutthroat rivalry. Finally, we cap off our statistical journey by highlighting the accolades that Hulu has amassed, underscoring the service’s critical acclaim and industry recognition.

Whether you’re an industry analyst, a Hulu subscriber, or simply a streaming enthusiast, this article promises to provide a wealth of insights into one of the leading services reshaping how we consume entertainment today.

Overview of Hulu statistics

As we embark on an exploration of Hulu’s statistical landscape, it’s crucial to contextualize its position within the global Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) ecosystem.

Hulu operates within an ever-expanding arena of digital streaming, a battleground where global SVOD subscriptions are climbing at a meteoric pace, with Hulu claiming a significant portion of this upward trend.

In the United States, SVOD service user shares tell a story of intense competition, with Hulu carving out its own steadfast territory.

A focal point of this section will be Hulu’s prowess in attracting audiences with its original TV series, a vital metric where it vies for the title of the most in-demand video streaming service worldwide.

Within the American market, Hulu’s share of demand for TV shows is not just a number; it’s a testament to its cultural resonance and content strategy success.

To round off our overview, we’ll sketch a brand profile of Hulu in the United States, painting a picture of its market identity, consumer perception, and the strategic moves that have shaped its current standing.

This section will lay the foundation for understanding Hulu’s impact, influence, and importance in the fast-paced world of video streaming services.

Global SVOD subscriptions and subscribers

The graph below displays data for subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) worldwide, comparing the number of gross SVOD subscriptions with net SVOD subscribers both for the year 2021 and with forecasts for 2027. The values are presented in millions.

The data indicates the following insights:


  • Growth Trend: There is a notable upward trend in both gross subscriptions and net subscribers for the SVOD market worldwide from 2021 to the forecasted figures in 2027.
  • Gross Subscriptions vs. Net Subscribers: In both 2021 and 2027, there are more gross SVOD subscriptions than net SVOD subscribers, indicating that some users have multiple subscriptions.
  • Numerical Insights:
    • In 2021, there were 1,205 million gross SVOD subscriptions compared to 612 million net SVOD subscribers. This suggests that on average, there may be about two subscriptions for every subscriber.
    • By 2027, it is forecasted that there will be 1,677 million gross SVOD subscriptions and 988 million net SVOD subscribers. This suggests a continued trend of individuals maintaining more than one subscription on average, but the ratio is reduced slightly, possibly indicating that market saturation might lead to a slower growth of subscriptions per user or increased competition may be leading users to consolidate their subscriptions.
  • Forecasted Growth: The data forecasts significant growth in the SVOD market over the six-year period, with gross SVOD subscriptions expected to increase by 472 million and net SVOD subscribers projected to rise by 376 million.
  • Market Implications: A growing SVOD market indicates an increasing demand for streaming services, likely driven by factors such as the proliferation of high-speed internet, a shift from traditional television to digital streaming platforms, and the production of diverse and high-quality content catering to a global audience.
  • Possible Market Saturation: The difference in growth rates between gross subscriptions and net subscribers could hint at market saturation, where nearly every potential subscriber already has at least one service, and growth is driven by users adding additional services.

The graph does not split this data by region, service type, consumer demographics, or service providers, which could provide more nuanced insights. However, overall, the graph illustrates a robust and growing SVOD market, with subscribers increasingly likely to hold multiple SVOD subscriptions.

SVOD service user shares in the U.S.

Here is an analysis of the bar graph above showing the share of consumers who have a subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) service in the United States from 2015 to 2023:


  • Steady Growth: There has been a consistent increase in the percentage of consumers with SVOD service subscriptions over the eight-year period.
  • Percentage Increase: Starting at 52% in 2015, the percentage of consumers with SVOD subscriptions grew to 83% by 2022 and remained at that level into 2023, according to the forecast.
  • Key Milestones:
    • The 50% mark was surpassed in 2015, indicating that by this point, SVOD services were mainstream.
    • Significant growth between 2018 and 2019, jumping from 69% to 74%, may indicate either increased service offerings, wider adoption due to changes in consumer behavior, or improvements in internet access.
  • Saturation Point: The graph suggests that the SVOD market is approaching a saturation point with the percentage holding steady at 83% from 2022 to 2023, indicating that the market may be reaching the maximum proportion of consumers who are interested in and have the means to subscribe to SVOD services.
  • Pandemic Effect: The consistent growth between years, especially from 2019 to 2020, coincides with the COVID-19 pandemic, which may have spurred an increase in subscriptions as consumers spent more time at home with limited outside entertainment options.
  • Market Stability: The leveling off at 83% in 2022 and 2023 suggests a stabilization in the market, where most consumers interested in SVOD services have already subscribed, and growth is likely driven by population growth or service switching rather than new market entrants.
  • Implications for SVOD Services: With high penetration rates, SVOD services may focus more on retaining subscribers and increasing revenue per user through upselling premium content or additional features rather than solely focusing on new subscriber acquisition.
  • Competitive Market: The high penetration also implies that the SVOD market is highly competitive. Services must differentiate themselves through unique content, user experience, and pricing strategies to maintain or grow their subscriber base.
  • Future Considerations: To continue growing, SVOD services may explore new markets, innovate in content delivery and personalization, and potentially look into bundles or partnerships to add value for subscribers.

Overall, the bar graph reflects a mature SVOD market in the United States with high consumer adoption, suggesting that future growth will be more challenging and require strategic planning by SVOD companies.

Most in-demand video streaming services for original TV series worldwide

The graph below shows the share of consumers in the United States who have a subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) service from 2015 to 2023.

Here are the key insights and trends depicted in the graph:


  • Steady Increase: There has been a steady increase in the percentage of consumers with SVOD subscriptions from 2015 to 2020. The user share rose from 52% in 2015 to 78% in 2020, showing a significant adoption rate of SVOD services over these years.
  • Rapid Growth Period: The growth in subscription rates was particularly rapid between 2017 and 2019, where the share of consumers with SVOD subscriptions jumped from 64% to 74%. This period might correlate with an increase in the availability of high-quality original content on SVOD platforms and wider penetration of internet access.
  • Plateauing Trend: From 2020 to 2023, the percentage of consumers with SVOD services seems to plateau at 78% for two years before slightly increasing to 83% in 2022 and remaining at that level in 2023. This suggests that the market is reaching a saturation point where most consumers who are likely to subscribe to SVOD services have already done so.
  • Pandemic Effect: The consistent ratio between 2020 and 2021 coincides with the COVID-19 pandemic period, which might have boosted SVOD subscriptions as people were confined to their homes, but this effect does not appear to lead to further growth beyond the 78% mark during those years.
  • Market Maturity: The plateau at 83% in 2022 and 2023 indicates a mature market where future growth may be limited. SVOD providers may need to focus on service differentiation, improving customer retention, and possibly exploring untapped demographics or innovative content delivery to expand their user base.
  • Potential Challenges: As the market saturation point approaches, SVOD services may encounter challenges in acquiring new subscribers. This could lead to increased competition, driving promotional deals, bundling of services, or partnerships as strategies to maintain or grow subscriber numbers.
  • Implications for Strategy: The slow growth from 2020 onwards suggests that SVOD providers will have to employ strategies beyond mere subscriber acquisition, such as enhancing user engagement, improving user experience, and creating original and exclusive content to differentiate themselves from competitors.
  • Overall Insights: The SVOD market in the U.S. has experienced significant growth over the years. However, the leveling off of subscriber share since 2020 indicates that providers may have to pivot their strategies to focus on retention and revenue per user rather than growth through new subscriptions.

Most in-demand SVOD services for TV shows in the US, by share of demand

The pie chart below illustrates the share of audience demand for TV series on subscription video on demand (SVOD) services in the United States for the year 2022.

Key insights derived from the chart include:


  • Market Leaders: Hulu and Netflix are the market leaders, with Hulu accounting for the largest share of demand at 19.5% and Netflix closely following with 18%.
  • Strong Competitors: HBO Max holds a significant portion of the market at 11.2%, indicating that it has strong content that resonates with viewers.
  • Other Major Players: Amazon Prime Video (8.5%), Paramount+ (8.3%), Peacock (7.4%), Discovery+ (6.9%), and Disney+ (5.6%) make up the middle tier, each having a notable but smaller share of demand compared to Hulu and Netflix.
  • Fragmentation of the Market: The category labeled “Other” accounts for 14.6% of the demand, indicating that there is a considerable audience for services outside of the major names listed. This implies a competitive and fragmented market with a mix of niche and smaller platforms catering to specific segments of the audience.
  • Competition for Content: The distribution of market share suggests that there is fierce competition among the streaming services to create and/or acquire content that captures audience interest.
  • Strategic Implications: For platforms like Disney+ with lower market shares, there is an opportunity to boost audience demand by expanding their content library or creating high-demand original programming.
  • Content Diversity: Audience demand is spread across multiple platforms, suggesting that viewers are attracted to a variety of content offerings. Providers need to understand their audiences well and curate or produce content that aligns with viewer preferences.
  • Market Volatility: The relatively close percentages among the various services (excluding Hulu and Netflix) suggest that there could be potential for shifts in market positions based on new content releases, service improvements, and changing consumer preferences.

In summary, the SVOD market in the United States in 2022 was led by Hulu and Netflix, in terms of audience demand for TV series. There is a notable level of competition among the various streaming services, with many holding significant shares of audience demand, highlighting a diverse and contested market space.

Hulu brand profile in the United States

The bar graph below illustrates various metrics pertaining to the Hulu brand, focusing on brand awareness, usage, popularity, loyalty, and buzz among video-on-demand (VOD) users in the United States in 2023.

From the graph, we can extract several key insights:


  • Hulu Awareness: The graph shows that Hulu has very high brand awareness, with 93% of respondents being aware of the brand. This indicates that Hulu is well-known in the market and that its marketing efforts have been successful in reaching a wide audience.
  • Hulu Popularity: In terms of popularity, about 50% of respondents consider Hulu popular. This measure is significantly lower than awareness, which could imply that while most people know of Hulu, it does not necessarily translate to a perception of the brand being popular among half of those who are aware of it.
  • Hulu Usage: Nearly half (47%) of the respondents use Hulu. This is a relatively strong figure, suggesting that almost one in every two people who are aware of Hulu actually engages with the service. However, it is important to note that usage does not indicate the frequency or length of engagement.
  • Hulu Loyalty: Loyalty towards Hulu is reported at 41%. This metric reflects a committed user base but also indicates that there’s room for improvement in converting regular users into loyal ones. Enhancing customer satisfaction and brand affinity could be strategic areas for Hulu to focus on.
  • Hulu Buzz: Lastly, the ‘Hulu buzz’ stands at 34%, which is the lowest among the metrics presented. This suggests that while Hulu may have a strong presence and user base, it may not be currently generating as much word-of-mouth or excitement as it could. Strategies to increase visibility and talkability of the brand could be beneficial.

From these insights, some conclusions that could be drawn include:

  1. Hulu has done well to achieve high brand awareness, but there might be a gap in converting this awareness into an equally high perception of popularity.
  2. Usage rates are solid, but more work could be done in nurturing user loyalty, possibly through targeted customer relationship management, exclusive content, or special offers.
  3. Creating ‘buzz’ could involve new marketing initiatives, creating or acquiring compelling content that can generate discussion, and leveraging social media effectively.

Overall, Hulu’s brand profile is strong, particularly in awareness and usage; however, there’s potential to grow the brand’s popularity, loyalty, and buzz to match the high level of awareness in the U.S. market.

Hulu subscribers statistics

As we navigate through the intricate world of streaming, Hulu emerges as a pivotal subject in the narrative of subscription video on demand (SVOD) services.

This section will provide a comprehensive examination of Hulu’s subscriber statistics, offering a granular understanding of the platform’s user base and revenue metrics.

We’ll dissect the numbers of Hulu’s paying subscribers in the United States, breaking them down by quarter to illustrate the service’s growth and market hold.

A key financial indicator, Hulu’s Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) in the United States, will be scrutinized to gauge the platform’s profitability and customer value.

We’ll also compare Hulu’s subscriptions with other SVOD service providers to contextualize its position in a fiercely competitive market.

Moreover, we’ll look into the number of viewers subscribed to various vMVPD services, highlighting the changing tides in how audiences are choosing to consume television content.

The frequency of Hulu without ads consumption in the United States will be explored, revealing user preferences and engagement levels with ad-free viewing experiences.

Lastly, we’ll delve into Hulu’s penetration rate in Japan, analyzing its appeal across different age groups in an international market. These topics will collectively paint a detailed statistical portrait of Hulu’s subscription dynamics, providing insights into its enduring relevance in the streaming landscape.

Number of Hulu’s paying subscribers in the United States, by quarter

The graph below presents data on the number of Hulu’s paying subscribers in the United States, spanning from the 1st quarter of 2019 through the 4th quarter of 2023.

Based on this graph, here are some key insights and trends:


  • Consistent Growth: The data shows a consistent, overall upward trend in the number of subscribers. Starting with 22.8 million in Q1 2019, there’s a progression to 48.5 million by Q4 2023. This indicates a successful period for Hulu, with an increase of 25.7 million subscribers over the observed time frame.
  • Quarter-by-Quarter Analysis: Nearly every quarter shows an increase in subscribers, with only a few exceptions where the subscriber count remains consistent (e.g., 48.2 million in Q2 2023 and Q3 2023).
  • Seasonal Fluctuations: There is some evidence of seasonal fluctuation. For example, there are notably larger increases in subscribers at the end of the year (Q4) in several years. This could be related to seasonal promotions, the release of anticipated content during that period, or holiday gifts of subscription services.
  • Accelerated Growth in 2021-2023: The rate of increase appears to have accelerated in the period from late 2020 through 2023. This might be related to a variety of factors such as strategic changes, new content releases, increased marketing efforts, broader shifts in consumer behavior toward streaming services, or changes in the competitive landscape.
  • Plateauing Trend: Toward the end of the dataset, from Q2 through Q4 in 2023, Hulu’s subscriber growth shows signs of plateauing, with numbers hovering around 48 million. This could imply that the market is becoming saturated, Hulu has reached a large portion of its addressable market, or competition is starting to have a stronger impact.
  • Steady Increase in Subscriber Base: Despite some quarterly fluctuations, the overall trend in subscriber growth is positive. This suggests that Hulu has been successful at retaining existing customers while continuously attracting new ones over the studied period.
  • Implications: The consistent growth in Hulu’s subscriber base may have multiple implications, including a growing revenue stream from subscriber fees, increased investment in content acquisition and production, and potential expansion in services offered.

This information could be useful for stakeholders such as investors, competitors, and companies considering partnerships with Hulu. It can also provide insights into broader market trends, such as the rising consumer preference for streaming services over traditional television.

Hulu ARPU in the United States

The graph below illustrates Hulu’s average monthly revenue per paying subscriber in the United States, ranging from the first quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2023. The data is segmented between two types of services: SVOD only and Live TV + SVOD. Here is a detailed analysis of the graph:


  • Revenue Trends for SVOD Only:
    • The SVOD only category shows a relatively stable trend throughout the observed period.
    • Average revenue per user (ARPU) for SVOD only subscribers starts at approximately $52.31 in Q1 2019 and shows slight fluctuations before slightly decreasing to around $12.11 by Q4 2023.
    • This decreased revenue per user could suggest that subscription prices for SVOD only subscribers have decreased, or possibly that customers are downgrading packages or using promotions, which reduces the average revenue.
  • Revenue Trends for Live TV + SVOD:
    • The ARPU for Live TV + SVOD is substantially higher, starting from around $67.75 in Q1 2019.
    • There is an upward trend in revenue over time, peaking at roughly $92.32 in Q1 2023.
    • The ARPU for Live TV + SVOD then exhibits a slight decline to approximately $90.08 by Q4 2023.
    • The consistently higher ARPU in this category suggests that the blended services are priced at a premium and remain popular among subscribers who are willing to pay more for a comprehensive package.
  • Comparison Between Service Categories:
    • A stark contrast in ARPU exists between the two service categories throughout the entire time period.
    • Live TV + SVOD has consistently outperformed SVOD only in terms of ARPU, indicating that this service may be driving more revenue per user for Hulu.
  • Seasonal and Yearly Changes:
    • There do not appear to be clear seasonal patterns that would indicate significant changes in ARPU based on the time of year.
    • Instead, the overall trends show a year-on-year growth for Live TV + SVOD ARPU and a decrease for SVOD only.
  • Implications and Conclusions:
    • The trends imply that either the market for SVOD only is becoming more competitive, leading to price reductions, or that Hulu is strategically positioning this service to secure a wider user base with lower prices.
    • For the Live TV + SVOD segment, the increase could suggest that customers see value in the added cost of live TV service and are less sensitive to price increases in this segment.
    • It’s important to note that the drastic reduction in SVOD only ARPU seems unusual and could be an indication of changes in Hulu’s business strategy, a possible error in the data, or a shift in consumer preferences.
    • Hulu’s continued ability to maintain a high ARPU in the premium segment suggests customer loyalty and a strong value proposition for their Live TV offering.
    • The graph also suggests that Hulu’s revenue mix might be leaning more heavily on their Live TV + SVOD segment, which can be crucial information for stakeholders, as decisions around content acquisition and product offerings will likely focus on the higher-revenue subscriber base.

Subscriptions to SVOD services in the United States, by provider

The graph below illustrates the projected number of subscriptions to selected subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) services in the United States by the year 2027, with subscription numbers indicated in millions.


  • Amazon leads the market with a significant margin, estimated to reach 101.8 million subscriptions by 2027. This indicates Amazon’s strong position in the streaming market and its success in attracting and retaining subscribers.
  • Netflix, although not leading, shows a significant share with 69.1 million subscriptions. This places Netflix as a strong second and highlights its role as a major player in the industry.
  • Hulu, Paramount+, and Disney+ are in close competition, with subscriptions estimated at 53.8 million, 52.2 million, and 51.3 million, respectively. The tight grouping suggests a highly competitive market segment where these services are vying for market share.
  • HBO Max and Peacock show a similar level of projected subscriptions, around 51 million and 15.3 million, respectively, indicating these platforms also have a solid subscriber base.
  • Apple TV+ and STARZ are projected to have 14.7 and 14.2 million, which shows a moderate penetration in the market.
  • Showtime, YouTube TV, and Hulu Live have projections ranging from 9.8 to 5 million, suggesting smaller but stable market segments.
  • Sling and “Others” are on the lower end of the projection, with Sling at 5 million and “Others” category at 3.1 million. The “Others” category may include niche or emerging platforms which collectively make a smaller contribution to the overall subscriptions.
  • The “Others” category, holding the smallest projected share, implies that the SVOD market is dominated by major players, making it challenging for smaller or new services to gain a significant share.

This graph shows that the SVOD market is robust, with several key players holding substantial subscriber numbers, hinting at the competitive nature of the industry.

Stakeholders can use this data for strategic planning, investment decisions, content development, and to gauge the effectiveness of various growth strategies.

It’s also indicative of consumer preferences and the importance of content libraries, original programming, and service offerings in attracting subscribers.

Number of vMVPD subscribers in the United States

The graph below presents data on the number of subscribers to selected virtual multichannel video programming distributor (vMVPD) services in the United States for the year 2022. The data is shown in millions of subscribers for three different services: Hulu + Live TV, Sling TV, and FuboTV.

Here are some insights from the data:


  • Subscriber Base Size: Hulu + Live TV leads with the largest subscriber base, having 4.5 million subscribers. This suggests that Hulu + Live TV is a dominant player in the vMVPD market segment.
  • Second and Third Place: Sling TV has the second-highest number of subscribers at 2.33 million, followed by FuboTV with 1.45 million subscribers. While Sling TV has a significant number of subscribers, it is notably lagging behind Hulu + Live TV by approximately 2.17 million subscribers. FuboTV has the smallest subscriber base among the three, with almost a million less than Sling TV and about 3.05 million fewer than Hulu + Live TV.
  • Market Share Distribution: The distribution of subscribers reflects market share dynamics within the vMVPD space, likely influenced by factors such as content offerings, pricing, brand strength, service features, and user experience.
  • Growth Implications: The graph does not provide historical data, so it’s unclear whether these figures represent growth or decline in subscriber numbers for each service. However, the numbers do suggest room for growth and competition among the presented services.
  • vMVPD Popularity: All three services have a base of over a million subscribers, indicating that there is a considerable demand for vMVPD services, possibly due to the cord-cutting trend where consumers move away from traditional cable TV.
  • Competitive Analysis: Competitors in the market can analyze this graph to understand their position relative to key players and strategize accordingly, whether through marketing efforts, bundle offers, or content expansion.
  • Industry Trends: As this graph shows the state of the market in 2022, industry stakeholders can use this information to identify trends in service preferences and strategize for future opportunities or disruptions.

It’s important to note that the description mentions the difficulty of tracking subscriber numbers in the vMVPD market, meaning the graph might not include all competitors, and the actual market could be larger or more fragmented than presented.

Hulu without ads consumption in the United States, by frequency

The graph below provides data on the frequency with which respondents in the United States watch Hulu without ads as of November 2022.

Here are several insights derived from the graph:


  • A Majority of Non-viewers: The most significant portion of the respondents (70%) reported that they never watch Hulu without ads. This could suggest that a large segment of the population either does not subscribe to Hulu’s ad-free service or does not use streaming services much in general.
  • Infrequent Viewers: A combined total of 15% (9% a few times per week, 3% once per week, and 3% a few times) uses the service infrequently, amounting to less than once a day. This indicates that a segment of users prefers not to use the service daily, possibly due to time constraints or a preference for consuming content more sporadically.
  • Daily Viewers: A smaller portion of respondents uses Hulu without ads more frequently, with 6% watching multiple times a day and 4% watching once a day. These viewers represent a highly engaged audience, potentially indicating high value or satisfaction with the service.
  • Low Once-only Viewership: Only 2% of respondents watch Hulu without ads exactly once, which raises questions about why this occurrence is so low. It may suggest that viewers who choose to watch are likely to watch more than once, or it could be a reporting anomaly.
  • Subscriber Segmentation: The data could help Hulu and advertisers understand the distribution of different viewer segments, from heavy users to non-users. This can impact content strategy, marketing efforts, and decisions on how to increase engagement among current subscribers.
  • Market Potential: Given the high percentage of non-users, there could be market potential to convert some of these individuals into subscribers. Marketing efforts might aim to target this group with promotions or information about the benefits of an ad-free viewing experience.
  • Viewing Habits: The graph reflects a snapshot of viewing habits that could be influenced by several factors, such as seasonal trends, the release of new content, or changes in consumer behavior over time.

The data is informative for Hulu’s strategic planning and marketing efforts, providing a basis for understanding how frequently their ad-free service is utilized and identifying opportunities for growth and increased viewer engagement.

Hulu’s penetration rate Japan, by age group

The graph below shows the share of people who used Hulu in Japan in the fiscal year 2022, categorized by age groups.

Here’s the analysis based on the data presented:


  • Age Group Preference: The highest Hulu penetration rate occurs in the 30 to 39 years age group (10.6%), indicating that this demographic is the most engaged with Hulu’s services among all age groups. Conversely, the lowest usage is seen in the 60 to 69 years age group at only 2.9%.
  • Generational Trends: There appears to be a trend where the younger the age group, the higher the usage rate up until a peak at the 30 to 39 years age group. Usage then declines with each subsequent age bracket.
  • Digital Savviness: The higher penetration rates among younger demographics (13 to 39 years) suggest that these age groups are more digitally inclined and likely to adopt streaming services like Hulu.
  • Target Market: Hulu may consider focusing its marketing efforts and content development on the 30 to 39 years age bracket, as this group represents their largest user base in Japan. However, since the 20 to 29 and 40 to 49 years age groups also show substantial usage, these demographics remain important target markets.
  • Opportunity for Growth: The data indicates a potential opportunity to increase penetration among the older demographics (50 years and older), which currently show lower usage rates.
  • Market Positioning: This data suggests how Hulu is positioned in the market relative to age demographics and can be used to assess the effectiveness of current marketing strategies and potential areas for strategic adjustments.
  • Implications for Content Strategy: Understanding which age groups are most engaged with Hulu can guide content acquisition and production strategies to cater to the preferences and interests of these key demographic segments.

In summary, Hulu’s strongest market presence in Japan is among those aged 30 to 39 years, with a noticeable decrease in engagement among older users. This indicates the value of tailoring content and services to specific age groups, and there is a clear opportunity for Hulu to grow its user base in the older demographics.

Hulu statistics: Ad-supported plan

In the dynamic world of streaming services, Hulu’s ad-supported plan emerges as a significant player, harmonizing affordability with access to a diverse content library.

This section zeroes in on the intriguing dynamics of Hulu’s ad-supported offering, juxtaposing it against the broader landscape of Advertising Video On Demand (AVOD) revenues worldwide.

Hulu has carved out a substantial niche in this sector, contributing to the revenue streams that AVOD platforms generate globally.

As consumers grapple with the plethora of choices in video streaming platforms, we evaluate how Hulu’s ad-funded tier stands against others in terms of value in the United States.

The platform’s strategy, balancing cost-effectiveness with content quality, has led to its recognition as one of the best value propositions among both ad-funded and ad-free services.

Furthermore, we delve into the behavioral patterns of Hulu’s diverse user base, analyzing the frequency of usage of the ad-supported plan by gender.

This exploration not only sheds light on the demographic engagement with Hulu’s ad-inclusive option but also reflects broader viewer preferences and tolerances for ad-supported content within the streaming realm.

As the ad-supported model gains traction, Hulu’s approach offers a glimpse into the evolving relationship between viewer habits, platform revenue models, and the advertising industry at large.

AVOD revenues worldwide, by platform

To analyze the graph below, I will describe the data presented, identify trends, and discuss the implications.

Description of Data

  • The graph is titled “Ad-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) revenues for TV series and movies worldwide in 2028, by platform (in billion U.S. dollars).”
  • It provides the forecasted AVOD revenues of various platforms in billions of dollars.
  • The platforms included are Disney+, Paramount+, YouTube, Hulu U.S., Netflix, Peacock, HBO, Roku U.S., Pluto TV U.S., Tencent China, Facebook, and Others.

Key Insights

  • Market Leadership: Disney+ is forecasted to lead in AVOD revenue in 2028 with a significant margin, earning $11.4 billion.
  • Runner-up: Paramount+ is expected to be the second highest earner with $5.4 billion, which is less than half of Disney+’s revenue.
  • Competitive Landscape: Several platforms are projected to have similar revenues, with YouTube, Hulu U.S., Netflix, and Peacock all forecasted to bring in between $4.6 and $4.7 billion each.
  • Long Tail: There are smaller players like Roku U.S., Pluto TV U.S., Tencent China, and Facebook with revenues ranging from $2.2 to $3.1 billion.
  • “Others” Category: This category, with the highest forecasted revenue of $40 billion, suggests that a large portion of AVOD revenue will come from a combined group of smaller or regional platforms that are not specified individually.

Trends and Patterns

  • Dominance of Media Conglomerates: The top revenue-generators (Disney+ and Paramount+) are part of larger media conglomerates, indicating the strength of established media brands in the AVOD space.
  • Close Competition: The tight grouping in forecasted revenues between YouTube, Hulu U.S., Netflix, and Peacock suggests fierce competition for advertising dollars within the industry.
  • Market Fragmentation: The substantial revenues allotted to “Others” reflect a fragmented market with numerous smaller platforms also competing successfully for a share of the AVOD revenue.

Relationships and Implications

  • The data implies a strong market for AVOD and a willingness from advertisers to spend on these platforms, indicating healthy growth in this industry segment by 2028.
  • Disney+’s position indicates successful cross-promotion and synergy with other media channels owned by the Disney conglomerate.
  • Platforms such as YouTube, Hulu, and Netflix, traditionally known more for subscription services (aside from YouTube), might be enhancing or focusing more on ad-based revenue models in the future.
  • The large revenue expected from the “Others” category could mean there is ample space for niche platforms to thrive or for new entrants to grab a share of the market.

Limitations and Considerations

  • These figures are forecasts and actual revenues could be influenced by changes in market dynamics, consumer behavior, technological advancements, or changes in advertising models.
  • The revenues are globally aggregated, so regional variations within these figures are not shown.

This graph is useful for investors, industry analysts, and the featured companies themselves to understand potential future market dynamics and direct strategic planning relating to content, audience targeting, and platform development.

Best value ad-funded and ad-free video streaming platforms in the United States

The graph below represents consumer perceptions of the value of ad-supported and ad-free versions of selected video streaming services in the United States as of June 2022. It shows the percentage of respondents who consider each service to be of good or excellent value.

Here are some insights derived from the graph:


  • Overall High Value Perception: All services listed have a majority of respondents rating them as good or excellent value, both for ad-supported and ad-free versions, suggesting general consumer satisfaction.
  • Ad-Free Preference: For every service listed except Peacock, the ad-free version is perceived as a better value than the ad-supported version. This could reflect a consumer preference for uninterrupted viewing experiences.
  • Top Performers: HBO Max leads with the highest perceived value for its ad-free version at 76%, closely followed by Hulu and Peacock tied at 73%. In the ad-supported category, HBO Max and Hulu are tied for top perceived value at 70%.
  • Ad-Supported Discrepancy: Discovery+ has the smallest gap between the perception of ad-supported and ad-free versions, with only a 1% difference. This suggests that consumers feel the ad-supported version of Discovery+ is almost as good as the ad-free version, which may indicate that their ad model is less intrusive or better integrated.
  • Peacock’s Unique Position: Peacock is the only service where the ad-supported version is perceived as having slightly better value than the ad-free version. This could suggest that Peacock has successfully positioned its ad-supported service or priced its offerings in a way that consumers feel they are getting more for their money.
  • Paramount+ Perception: Paramount+ has the lowest perceived value of the ad-free version (65%) and similarly low value perception for the ad-supported version (66%). This might indicate a challenge for Paramount+ in terms of enhancing their content offerings, pricing, or service features to increase perceived value.
  • Implications for Streaming Services: Streaming platforms can study these insights to understand the importance of offering both ad-supported and ad-free models to cater to different consumer preferences. In addition, they could consider the balance of content quality, service features, and pricing to enhance perceived value.
  • Market Competition: The close percentages across different platforms show a competitive market where multiple players offer perceived good value, pressing each service to continually innovate and differentiate their offerings.

In conclusion, it is clear from the graph that consumers value ad-free options but are still open to ad-supported versions if they feel the content or the cost-saving warrants it. Streaming services can use this data to calibrate their offerings and market positioning strategies.

Frequency of using Hulu with ads in the United States, by gender

The graph below displays the frequency of watching Hulu with ads in the United States in 2022, broken down by gender. The data is represented as the share of respondents and includes categories ranging from “Multiple times a day” to “Never”.

Here are several insights and conclusions that can be drawn from the graph:


  • Gender Differences: The chart shows a very similar pattern between men and women in their frequency of watching Hulu with ads. For the most frequent viewing categories (‘Multiple times a day’ to ‘Once per week’), the percentages for men and women are quite close, with men slightly more inclined in the ‘A few times per week’ category and women slightly more in the ‘Once per week’ category.
  • Most Common Viewing Frequency: The largest group of respondents for both genders reports never watching Hulu with ads (60% for both men and women). This suggests that a significant portion of the population either prefers other platforms or subscribes to Hulu’s ad-free version or is simply disengaged from ad-supported streaming.
  • Least Common Viewing Frequencies: Watching Hulu with ads “Multiple times a day” is the least common among the offered frequencies, indicating that highly frequent use of ad-supported Hulu is relatively rare among the respondents.
  • Potential for Growth: Since the largest category is ‘Never’, there might be an opportunity for Hulu to convert some of these users into occasional or regular viewers. This could involve strategies such as more competitive pricing, exclusive content, or improved advertising that doesn’t deter users.
  • Daily Engagement: Combining the ‘Multiple times a day’ and ‘Once daily’ categories, we see that 12% of men and 11% of women use Hulu with ads at least once per day, signifying a core group of dedicated users.
  • Implications for Advertisers: Understanding that most of the audience reported not watching at all, advertisers might question the reach of their ads through Hulu and consider the efficiency of this platform for their campaigns. For those targeting Hulu’s ad-supporting viewers, the data suggests focusing on the ‘A few times per week’ group where the gender split is relatively equal.
  • Content Scheduling and Release Strategies: Given that ‘A few times per week’ is the most frequent viewing option besides ‘Never’, Hulu might consider this data when scheduling new content releases or advertising campaigns to maximize engagement.
  • Ad-free Preferences: The high percentage of non-viewers could also indicate a preference for ad-free streaming options; Hulu and competing services may use this insight to tailor their offerings to viewer preferences.

In conclusion, while there is a substantial portion of the U.S. audience that engages with Hulu with ads at varying frequencies, the majority report not watching at all. For Hulu, focusing marketing efforts on converting this untapped demographic and retaining the current viewer base could be key strategies.

Hulu statistics: Content

The landscape of video streaming is a rich tapestry of content where quantity meets quality, and Hulu has been at the forefront of this evolution.

This section will delve into the heart of Hulu’s content offerings, breaking down the expansive array of channels available on vMVPD platforms in the United States and the sheer volume of movies and TV shows that SVOD platforms boast, with Hulu as a significant contributor.

The investment in original content is a critical metric of a platform’s commitment to growth and innovation, and we’ll examine how streaming services, including Hulu, allocate their budgets to nurture original programming.

Furthermore, we’ll explore which video streaming services are recognized for their high-quality original content, and how Hulu positions itself within this competitive space.

Lastly, we’ll unravel the complexity of Hulu’s content ecosystem, analyzing the share of content from distinct titles by distributor, offering insight into the diverse sources that make up Hulu’s rich library.

As we navigate through these statistics, we’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of Hulu’s strategic approach to content curation and creation, and how it shapes the viewer’s experience in an industry that thrives on diversity and distinction.

Number of channels on vMVPD platforms in the United States

The graph below displays the number of channels available on selected virtual multichannel video programming distributor (vMVPD) services in the United States as of December 2022.

Here are the insights derived from it:


  • Leader in Channel Offering: YouTube TV has the highest number of channels among the services listed, offering 79 channels. This suggests YouTube TV’s service might be positioned as a comprehensive option for users looking for a wide variety of content.
  • Close Competition: Hulu with Live TV closely follows with 73 channels, indicating that it also offers a broad range of content and is competitive in terms of channel volume.
  • Mid-Range Options: DirectTV Stream and FuboTV are in the middle range with 62 and 61 channels, respectively. They may appeal to users who are looking for a balance between diversity of content and perhaps a lower price point than the top-tier services.
  • Niche Services: Philo offers 42 channels, which could suggest it’s a more niche service, potentially specializing in certain types of content or aiming for affordability.
  • Different Sling Offerings: Sling TV has two different tiers, Blue and Orange, with 35 and 24 channels respectively. This indicates a tiered offering, allowing customers to choose a package based on their preferences for channel selection or budget constraints.
  • Understanding Consumer Choice: Consumers might choose a vMVPD service based on the number of channels, types of channels, service features, and price points. The variety between services suggests there is no one-size-fits-all in content delivery and consumers have specific preferences.
  • Market Positioning: The services listed are positioned differently in the market with YouTube TV and Hulu with Live TV likely positioning as premium services, while Sling Orange might appeal to consumers looking for a more budget-friendly option with fewer channels.

The graph offers a succinct overview of the competitive landscape of vMVPD services in the U.S. and illustrates how the number of channels varies across popular streaming platforms. Potential customers can use such information to inform their decisions based on the volume of content offered, while each service can gauge where they stand in the market in terms of channel offerings and strategize accordingly.

Number of movies and TV shows on SVOD platforms in the United States

The graph below provides information on the content volume available on major subscription video streaming platforms in the United States as of January 2023, segmented into movies and TV shows.


  • Content Variety: Amazon Prime Video leads in terms of overall content volume, offering a combined total of over 7,000 movies and TV shows. This suggests Amazon Prime Video’s strategy emphasizes a broad library, which might be a significant draw for subscribers who seek variety.
  • Movies vs. TV Shows Split: Netflix has the largest number of TV shows available, with 3,700, but fewer movies than Amazon Prime Video, indicating a focus perhaps on serialized storytelling, which aligns with the trend toward binge-watching series.
  • Platform Comparisons: Disney+ has a notably lower total number of movies and TV shows compared to the leading platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, and Hulu. This could reflect a focus on branded, franchise, or family-oriented content over sheer volume.
  • Potential Subscriber Preferences: The data allows consumers to compare platforms based on the number of movies and TV shows, which might influence their subscription decisions depending on whether they prefer cinematic or serialized content.’
  • Catalog Growth Strategies: This snapshot provides a baseline for observing how each platform’s catalog might grow or shrink over time, indicating the aggressiveness of content acquisition and the retention of existing content.
  • Premium versus Budget Services: The range in content volume could also indicate different pricing strategies. Services with more extensive libraries might charge higher subscription fees and be positioned as premium offerings.
  • Quality vs. Quantity: It’s important to note that the graph does not provide information on the quality, popularity, or exclusivity of the content, which are also critical factors influencing subscriber decisions.

Implications for streaming services from this data could include strategic decisions around content development, acquisition, and licensing based on the volumes that competitors are offering. It might also influence marketing strategies, as a service might choose to highlight the depth or uniqueness of its content library in promotional material.

Spending by streaming services on original content

The bar graph below displays the spending on original content by four major video streaming services from 2017 to 2021, expressed in billion U.S. dollars. The services included in the graph are Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, and Apple TV+.

Key insights and implications can be derived from this data:


  • Netflix’s Dominance: Netflix clearly leads in investment on original content throughout the five-year period. This spending is a strong indicator of Netflix’s strategy to differentiate itself through a diverse slate of original programming, aiming to attract and retain subscribers.
  • Growth Trajectory: All platforms show an increase in spending on original content over the five-year span, suggesting a burgeoning trend in the streaming industry where original content is becoming increasingly significant for competitive differentiation.
  • Acceleration in Spending: Netflix’s spending jumped significantly in 2019 and continued to rise sharply in 2020 and 2021. This could imply success in their original content strategy, encouraging further investment to capitalize on that momentum.
  • Comparison Between Competitors: While Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have significantly increased their spending on original content, Hulu’s investment has grown at a steadier, more modest pace. Apple TV+ entered the market in 2019 and, within a short period, has ramped up spending to compete with established players. Apple TV+ spending in 2021 is already approaching Hulu’s, despite Hulu’s longer presence in the market.
  • Amazon Prime Video’s Aggressive Increase: From 2020 to 2021, Amazon Prime Video’s spending on original content nearly doubles. This indicates a strategic shift or acceleration in focusing on original content.
  • Hulu’s Consistent Strategy: Hulu’s relatively consistent spending increase indicates a cautious or sustainable approach to investment in original content compared to its competitors.
  • Strategic Implications: The graph suggests a race to produce original content among streaming services. High investment in original content could be a response to the saturation of the market leading services to differentiate themselves through exclusive shows and movies.
  • Market Indicators: The ongoing increase in spending implies a confidence in the ROI of original content, possibly reflecting subscriber growth, better viewer retention, and the overall value placed on original programming.
  • Future Outlook: If this trend continues, we can predict even higher spending in the coming years, particularly as the competition heats up with more services entering the market. This may also lead to increased production budgets, greater partnerships with high-profile creators, and potentially, more pressure on smaller platforms with less financial leverage.

This analysis of the graph provides a snapshot of the strategic importance that major streaming platforms place on original content as a key driver of their value proposition to subscribers.

Video streaming services with high-quality original content in the United States

The bar graph below displays the perceived quality of original content from various streaming services, as reported by a survey of U.S. adults in mid-2022.

Here are some key insights:


  • Leader in High-Quality Original Content: Netflix is perceived as the leading platform in terms of providing high-quality original content, with 77.4% of respondents affirming this sentiment.
  • Top Contenders: Following Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO Max take the second and third spots, with 68.2% and 61.3%, respectively. This shows a strong market presence and a positive perception among consumers.
  • Middle Tier: Disney+ and Hulu are closely contested, with over half of the respondents recognizing their original content as high-quality (57.6% and 53.7%, respectively). Paramount+ and Peacock are in the next tier, each landing just over 40%.
  • Emerging Services: Apple TV+ and Discovery+ are at the lower end of the graph but still garner an acknowledgment of high-quality content from over a third of the respondents.
  • Market Perception: The data signals a ranking in consumers’ minds regarding which services are synonymous with high-quality originals. This perception influences where consumers might allocate their subscription budget.
  • Strategic Insights: Content quality is clearly a significant factor for these services, suggesting that to compete effectively, streaming platforms must invest heavily in original programming.
  • Business Implications: Netflix’s leading position implies it might have more leeway in price adjustments or subscriber-acquisition strategies, whereas lower-ranked services might need to rely more on competitive pricing or unique offerings to attract subscribers.
  • Emerging Trends: The presence of Apple TV+ and Discovery+, despite their lower percentages, could indicate that newer entrants still have the potential to disrupt market perceptions with the right content strategy over time.
  • Consumer Preferences: The range of percentages shows diverse consumer tastes and preferences, highlighting the importance for streaming services to understand their target audience and curate content accordingly.

The perception of high-quality original content is a fundamental advantage for streaming services to differentiate themselves in a crowded market. This graph showcases the importance of such perceptions in influencing consumer choice and the necessary strategic focus streaming services must place on developing or acquiring compelling original content.

Share of Hulu content from distinct titles, by distributor

The graph below illustrates the distribution of content offered by Hulu, representing distinct titles in January 2022, classified by the parent distributor of the content.

Here are the insights based on the graph:


  • Dominant Distributor: Independent/Other titles represent the majority of Hulu’s content, accounting for 51%. This reflects Hulu’s strategy of hosting a diverse range of titles from various smaller production companies and independent distributors. Such diversity could be a unique selling point to attract a wide audience demographic.
  • Major Media Companies: Following Independent/Other, Disney holds the second-largest share with 19%. Considering Disney’s ownership stake in Hulu, this substantial percentage also indicates cross-platform content synergy and integration.
  • Significant Players: Paramount Global contributes 8% of Hulu’s catalog, followed by NBCUniversal with 7%. These figures showcase that other major media conglomerates play significant roles as content providers for Hulu.
  • Middle Segment: Sony, with a 5% share, and WarnerMedia with 4%, represent the middle segment of content distribution on Hulu. Even though their contributions are less than the top contributors, they are critical for providing variety and well-known titles.
  • Smaller Shares: AMC Networks, A&E Networks, BBC, and Lionsgate each hold 2% of the share of titles. This data reflects a strategy of adding niche content to the platform, which can attract specific segments of the audience interested in these distributors’ distinct genres or styles.
  • Implications for Hulu’s Content Strategy: With such a diverse range of content from a variety of distributors, Hulu appears to focus on breadth over exclusivity. The presence of content from major players like Disney and NBCUniversal alongside a vast pool from independents suggests that Hulu aims to cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences, possibly to position itself as a comprehensive streaming service.
  • Possible Content Gaps: The graph also implies that no single distributor overwhelmingly dominates Hulu’s offerings, which could be an intentional strategy to prevent over-reliance on any one content provider. However, there might be content gaps or opportunities for Hulu to increase its offerings from underrepresented distributors to further diversify its catalog.
  • Market Positioning: Hulu’s positioning within the market is one of inclusivity, providing a platform that combines mainstream, popular content with independent and varied titles. This could appeal to consumers looking for both well-known and unique viewing opportunities.

Considering the dynamic nature of the streaming industry and how content distribution agreements can change, trends depicted in this graph from January 2022 may evolve, which would in turn affect Hulu’s content strategy and market position.

Hulu statistics: Competitors

In the fiercely contested realm of streaming services, Hulu’s competitors are not just industry benchmarks but also formidable contenders in the race for subscribers’ attention and loyalty.

This section aims to dissect the competitive landscape in which Hulu operates, providing a statistical look into the impressive subscriber metrics of rival platforms.

Amazon Video, with its vast reservoir of subscribers in the United States, presents a significant challenge with its combination of premium content and extensive e-commerce ecosystem.

Disney+, with its quarterly global subscriber count, showcases the magnetic appeal of its storied franchises and family-friendly content.

Apple TV Plus, with its estimated user base worldwide, demonstrates the tech giant’s commitment to penetrating the streaming market with original storytelling and high production values.

Paramount, another heavyweight, reports a global subscriber count that suggests its rich legacy content and strategic partnerships are paying off.

Warner Bros. Discovery, with its focus on direct-to-consumer video subscribers, highlights the importance of a diverse content portfolio in retaining and growing viewership.

Lastly, Peacock’s viewer count in the U.S. reflects its emerging presence in the streaming domain, bolstered by NBCUniversal’s strong content library. As we delve into the numbers, we’ll see how these services stack up against Hulu, offering insights into the ever-shifting tides of streaming dominance.

Number of Amazon Video subscribers in the United States

The bar graph below shows the number of Amazon Video subscribers in the United States from 2017 to 2027.

Here are several insights we can derive from the data:


  • Growth Over Time: There is a clear upward trend in the number of subscribers from 2017 through 2027. Subscriber numbers have grown from 44.99 million in 2017 to an anticipated 101.8 million in 2027.
  • Steady Increase: The data shows a steady annual increase in the number of subscribers, without any year-on-year decreases. However, the level of annual growth does vary.
  • Forecasting: The figures for the years 2022 to 2027 are forecasted values. This means they are projections based on past data and estimated trends, thus actual future figures may vary.
  • Doubled Subscriber Base: A notable highlight is that Amazon Video’s subscriber base is expected to more than double in a span of ten years, indicating robust health and continued consumer interest in the platform.
  • Market Penetration: The increase to over 100 million subscribers reflects Amazon Video’s strong market penetration in the US, suggesting that the service has become widely adopted and possibly indicating a high demand for streaming services in general.
  • Analytical Assumptions: The forecasted figures suggest an assumption that current trends will continue, with factors such as content quality, platform enhancements, and market competition remaining favorable for Amazon Video’s growth.
  • Implications: For Amazon, this significant growth likely indicates strong market positioning and could attract more investment in content acquisition and original productions. For competitors, Amazon’s projected growth represents a challenge and a benchmark for their own subscriber goals.
  • Considerations: When interpreting this data, it is also important to consider external factors that may influence future subscriber numbers, such as changes in consumer behavior, economic conditions, technological advancements, and competitive dynamics within the streaming industry.

In summary, the graph suggests a very positive outlook for Amazon Video’s subscriber numbers in the US market, with expectations of continued growth and an increasingly strong presence in the industry.

Quarterly Disney+ subscribers count worldwide

The bar graph below provides data on the number of Disney Plus subscribers worldwide from the first quarter of 2020 to the fourth quarter of 2023.

Here are some key insights and analysis based on the graph:


  • Rapid Growth: Disney Plus experienced rapid growth in its subscriber base from its launch in the first quarter of 2020 through the end of 2021.
  • Subscriptions Over Time: The subscriber count shows a steady increase from 26.5 million in Q1 2020 to a peak of 164.2 million in Q1 2022. After reaching this peak, there is a slight decline.
  • Recent Declines: Starting in Q2 2022, the graph indicates a decline in subscriber numbers, down to 150.2 million in Q4 2023. Notably, there’s a decrease of 14 million subscribers in Q4 2023 compared with the same quarter of the previous year, which could suggest market saturation, increased competition, or other factors affecting subscriber retention.
  • Seasonal Variations: While overall growth is evident, there may be seasonal fluctuations. For instance, Q1 of both 2021 and 2022 shows higher sub counts, possibly due to new content releases or holiday gift subscriptions.
  • Market Dynamics: The graph suggests that Disney Plus has faced increased competition or market challenges in 2022 and 2023, leading to a plateau or slight reduction in the subscriber base.
  • Content Strategy Impact: The decline in late 2022 and 2023 may indicate a need to refresh Disney Plus’s content strategy to maintain and grow its subscriber base amidst a competitive streaming landscape.
  • Global Factors: It’s important to consider global market factors, such as the note that mentions the Indian brand Disney+ Hotstar in particular, which suggests regional influences on the overall subscriber count.
  • Future Outlook: Disney Plus will likely need to address the causes of the recent decline to return to growth. Actions can include diversifying content, adjusting pricing strategies, enhancing platform features, or expanding into new markets.

The graph paints a clear picture of Disney Plus’s initial success and subsequent challenges within the streaming industry, highlighting the importance of strategic adaptation in maintaining subscriber growth.

Estimated users of Apple TV Plus worldwide

The graph below shows the estimated number of Apple TV Plus users worldwide as of March 2022, divided into two categories: paid subscribers and those accessing the service via promotions.

Key insights from the graph include:


  • User Distribution: As of March 2022, Apple TV Plus had an estimated total of 75 million users worldwide. This is split into 25 million paid subscribers and 50 million users accessing the service through promotions.
  • Promotional Impact: The significant number of users accessing the service via promotions (twice the number of paid subscribers) suggests that promotional strategies are highly effective for Apple TV Plus in terms of user acquisition.
  • Potential Conversion Challenge: While promotions help in gaining users, converting these users into paid subscribers can be challenging once the promotional period ends. The high proportion of users on promotions could indicate a potential drop-off rate if users do not perceive the value in transitioning to a paid subscription.
  • Growth Strategy: Apple’s approach appears to rely heavily on its ecosystem, offering promotions such as a free 12-month subscription with the purchase of an Apple device. This cross-promotion can be seen as a way to lock users into their ecosystem and potentially introduce them to other Apple services.
  • Market Penetration and Sustainability: The ability to maintain and grow the number of paid subscribers will be critical to the long-term sustainability of the service. While promotional offers are good for initial market penetration, the true test will come as these offers expire.
  • Comparison with Competitors: When compared to competitors like Netflix and Disney Plus which have larger numbers of paid subscribers, Apple TV Plus is still in a growing phase, but it is an impressive start for a service that was launched only in November 2019.
  • Revenue Consideration: The graph does not provide direct insights into revenue, but having a user base relying heavily on promotions may affect the average revenue per user (ARPU). Apple will have to work on strategies to increase the ARPU as the service matures.
  • Future Trends: It would be important to track how the number of paid subscribers changes in the future to gauge whether Apple’s promotional strategy results in an increased conversion rate to paid subscriptions.

In conclusion, the graph indicates that while Apple TV Plus has attracted a substantial user base, the company faces the challenge of converting promotional users to paid subscribers to ensure the streaming service’s steady growth and long-term success.

Paramount – number of subscribers worldwide

The graph below displays the number of subscribers to Paramount Global (formerly ViacomCBS) streaming services worldwide from the third quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2022, as measured in millions of subscribers.

Here’s an analysis based on the presented data:


  • Consistent Growth: The graph indicates a steady increase in subscribers across the time period. Starting at 10.4 million subscribers in Q3 2019, there has been a consistent quarter-to-quarter rise in subscription numbers, reaching 77.3 million subscribers by Q4 2022.
  • Year-Over-Year Increases: Each year shows a significant jump in subscribers when comparing the same quarters from different years; for example, Q3 2019 had 10.4 million subscribers, while Q3 2020 nearly doubled to 19.2 million subscribers.
  • Acceleration of Growth: The growth pace appears to accelerate toward the end of the period, with an increase of over 21 million subscribers from Q4 2021 to Q4 2022.
  • Pandemic Effect: The data spans the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began affecting global behaviors in early 2020. It coincides with a more pronounced growth in subscribers, potentially due to an increased demand for home entertainment while people were in lockdown.
  • No Visible Plateaus or Declines: Unlike some other streaming services which may experience plateaus or declines in subscriber numbers, Paramount Global has demonstrated continuous growth over the past three years without any decreases.
  • Successful Brand Reorganization: The rebranding from ViacomCBS to Paramount Global does not seem to have negatively impacted subscriber growth, suggesting a successful reorganization and potentially positive reception of the Paramount brand.
  • Quarterly Momentum: Subscribers numbers appear to grow progressively throughout each year, with each subsequent quarter outpacing the last within the same year, indicating consistent momentum.
  • Platform Evolution: The growth could be attributed to a variety of factors, such as the expansion of Paramount’s library and franchises, improvements in service quality, strategic partnerships, market expansion, competitive pricing, and promotional campaigns.


  • Competitive Position: Paramount Global is in a competitive position within the streaming market, demonstrating an ability to attract and retain subscribers.
  • Strategic Content: Their content strategy, which likely includes the production of original content and leveraging well-known IPs and franchises, seems to be effective.
  • Market Trends: The graph reflects broader market trends where streaming services continue to gain popularity, and there is a growing demand for digital content consumption.

In summary, the data tells a story of robust and ongoing success for Paramount Global’s streaming services, with a strong upward trend that suggests good management practices, a compelling content library, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

Number of direct-to-consumer video subscribers of Warner Bros. Discovey

The bar graph below showcases the combined number of subscribers to HBO, HBO Max, and Discovery Plus worldwide from the 2nd quarter of 2021 to the 3rd quarter of 2023. It breaks down the total into two categories: subscribers from the United States & Canada, and International subscribers.

Key observations and insights from the data presented are:


  • Consistent Growth: Overall, there is a clear upward trend in the total number of subscribers from Q2 2021 to Q3 2023. The company experienced growth in its customer base over this timeframe, suggesting heightened demand for their direct-to-consumer video streaming services.
  • Market Segmentation: The U.S. & Canada segment demonstrates a steady increase in subscribers but also shows a plateauing effect starting from Q4 2022. The International segment displays a more pronounced growth over the periods, suggesting a broader global market reach or more aggressive international expansion strategies.
  • Subscriber Distribution: Throughout the entire period, International subscribers outnumber those from the U.S. & Canada. This suggests that the global market is more significant for Warner Bros. Discovery’s streaming services.
  • Largest Increase: The most substantial quarter-over-quarter growth in the international segment occurred between Q3 2021 and Q4 2021, jumping from 37.2 million to 51.2 million subscribers. This significant bump might be a result of strategic initiatives or new market entries.
  • Plateauing Trend: In the most recent quarters, the addition of new subscribers slows down, especially within the U.S. & Canada. This could indicate market saturation, increased competition, or a need for renewed marketing efforts to attract new customers in these regions.
  • Subscriber Dynamics: The number of U.S. & Canada subscribers demonstrates slight fluctuations but remains relatively stable after Q4 2022, hovering around the 41-42 million mark. In contrast, the International subscriber count continues to rise, although at a slower rate from Q1 2023 onwards.

Based on subscriber count alone, it’s clear that Warner Bros. Discovery’s streaming services are growing, with a particularly strong presence outside the U.S. & Canada. The tapering growth rate in the more recent quarters might suggest that while the market for their streaming services is maturing in North America, there remains potential for growth in international markets, albeit with signs of deceleration.

Business implications might include the need to focus on international markets for continued growth, potential market saturation in U.S. & Canada, and the importance of innovative strategies to maintain and grow the subscriber base in the face of possible peaking interest, changing consumer behaviors, or intensifying competition in the streaming space.

Peacock viewers in the U.S.

The graph below shows the number of Peacock viewers in the United States from 2020 to 2026, with the data expressed in millions. The graph is a forecast of viewer numbers over the given years.

Here are several insights and observations based on the graph:


  • Rapid Growth from 2020 to 2021: There was a significant increase in the number of Peacock viewers, more than doubling from 23.1 million in 2020 to 51.5 million in 2021. This rapid growth could be due to various factors, including the platform’s introduction, expansion of content, or shifts in consumer viewing habits.
  • Steady Growth Trend: From 2021 onwards, the graph shows a consistent upward trend in the number of viewers, with steady incremental growth each year. This suggests that the platform is expected to continually attract new users over this forecast period.
  • Forecasted Growth: The viewer numbers are forecasted to grow from 64.3 million in 2022 to 84.2 million by 2026. This indicates optimism about the platform’s ability to maintain growth momentum over the next several years.
  • Projected Annual Growth: Although year-over-year growth is positive, the rate of growth appears to slow down slightly as the numbers increase. For example, there is a projected increase of 13.2 million viewers from 2021 to 2022 (a roughly 25.7% increase), compared to a smaller increase of 3.6 million viewers from 2025 to 2026 (a roughly 4.5% increase).
  • Market Maturation: The decreasing growth rate could suggest that as the market matures and the viewer base grows larger, it becomes more challenging to maintain the same high growth rates experienced in the earlier stages.


  • The substantial growth from 2020 to 2021 could reflect successful market entry strategies or an increase in demand for streaming services, possibly accelerated by pandemic-related factors.
  • The consistent upward trend signals confidence in the platform’s content strategy, marketing, and overall user retention capabilities.
  • The slowing growth rate in later years may indicate that Peacock is approaching a saturation point within the U.S. market, requiring the platform to potentially look for new markets or innovate to continue to grow its user base.
  • Peacock’s future strategy may need to focus on content differentiation, user engagement, and expansion into new demographics or services to sustain growth as the competition within the streaming market increases.

Note: The asterisks (*) next to the years from 2022 to 2026 indicate that these figures are forecasts and are subject to change based on actual market dynamics and company performance.

Hulu statistics: Accolades

The prestige of a streaming service is often measured by the glitter of awards and the applause of the industry, and Hulu has not shied away from this spotlight.

In this section, we celebrate Hulu’s journey through the glamorous corridors of accolades, showcasing its triumphs in the highly competitive award season.

We begin by tallying up the 2023 Golden Globe Awards, where the number of nominations per television network highlights the critical acclaim garnered by Hulu’s original content.

The story doesn’t end with the nominations, as the number of awards per network at the Golden Globes further cements Hulu’s standing among the titans of television.

Diving into the intense battleground of the Primetime Emmy Awards, we examine Hulu’s presence in the 2023 nominations by network, a testament to the platform’s quality and industry recognition.

Not to be overlooked are the victories at the 2022 Emmy Awards, where the number of wins by network provides historical context to Hulu’s current performance.

Finally, we explore how Hulu stacks up against other SVOD services in the United States with the highest volume of award-winning content, illustrating how accolades can reflect a platform’s commitment to excellence and its impact on the cultural zeitgeist. Through this lens of laurels and applause, Hulu’s story is one of artistic achievement and industry respect.

Number of nominations per television network for the 2023 Golden Globe Awards

The bar graph below depicts the number of nominations per television network for the 2023 Golden Globe Awards.

Based on the data presented, several insights can be drawn:


  • Streaming Dominance: HBO Max and Netflix are leading the pack with 14 nominations each, which shows the dominance of streaming platforms in the television landscape, particularly when it comes to award-nominated content.
  • Competitive Landscape: Hulu also has a strong showing with 10 nominations, indicating that it is competitive with the front-runners. This may signal that their original content is resonating well with audiences and critics alike.
  • Traditional Networks: Among the traditional networks, FX and ABC are the only two that show a significant presence with 9 and 6 nominations respectively. This suggests that traditional cable networks are still producing content that achieves critical acclaim.
  • Presence of Newer Platforms: Apple TV+ has equaled ABC’s performance with 6 nominations, which is notable considering Apple TV+’s relatively recent entry into the streaming wars. This might point to their investment in high-quality original content paying off in terms of critical recognition.
  • Limited Nominations: AMC/AMC+, Disney+, Paramount Network, Showtime, and Starz each have 1 or 2 nominations, which could suggest that these networks may have a limited selection of award-attracting content or that they are overshadowed by more dominant players in this particular awards year.

The data tells us that streaming platforms have a significant influence over traditional networks when it comes to award nominations for television. This trend reflects a broader shift in viewer preferences towards streaming services and the growing significance of their original programming.

From a strategic perspective, this information could be useful for networks and streaming services when deciding on content development, marketing strategies, and investment in original programming.

Given the association between award recognition and subscription growth or retention, strong performance at prestigious awards can have a positive impact on a platform’s competitive position.

Number of awards per television network for the 2023 Golden Globes

The bar graph below you’ve provided shows the number of wins per television network for the 2023 Golden Globe Awards.

Here are key insights from the graph:


  • HBO/HBO Max Dominates: With a total of 4 wins, HBO/HBO Max is the clear leader in terms of the number of awards won. This suggests that HBO/HBO Max had content that was highly regarded by the Golden Globes in that year, which may reflect the network’s investment in high-quality original programming.
  • Strong Performance by ABC and Netflix: ABC and Netflix each secured multiple awards, with ABC winning 3 and Netflix winning 2. This represents strong showings from a traditional broadcast network and a streaming service, indicating that both platforms are capable of producing award-winning content.
  • Presence of Streaming Services: Among the winners, there’s a notable presence of streaming services, such as Netflix, Apple TV+, and Hulu, each taking home at least one award. This demonstrates the increasing significance of streaming platforms in the television industry and their ability to compete with traditional networks.
  • Single Award Winners: Apple TV+, FX, Hulu, and Paramount Network each have one win, which suggests that while they had some successful shows, their overall influence at the awards was smaller compared to HBO/HBO Max and ABC.
  • Content Quality and Recognition: The number of wins might be used as a metric to infer the quality and entertainment value of the content produced by the networks, at least in terms of critical acclaim. This can influence viewer perception and potentially affect subscriber growth and retention.
  • Market Dynamics: The broad spread of networks and platforms among the award winners highlights the competitive nature of the television industry, with content from various distributors resonating with audiences and critics alike.

Overall, the graph implies a competitive landscape in television, with both traditional networks and streaming services showcasing their strengths. HBO/HBO Max seems particularly successful in this award season, which may contribute positively to its brand prestige and could attract more viewers to their platform.

Number of nominations for the Primetime Emmy Awards in the United States in 2023, by network

The table below ranks various networks by the number of Emmy nominations they garnered in 2023

Data source:; Emmys

Key findings from the graph include:


  • HBO Max leads the nominations: With 127 nominations, HBO Max tops the list. This suggests a strong showing of quality content that resonates with Emmy voters, which could translate into a heightened reputation for the network and potentially greater viewership or subscriber numbers.
  • Netflix follows closely: As another major player in the streaming wars, Netflix secures the second spot with 103 nominations. The close competition between HBO Max and Netflix signifies the fierce rivalry for high-quality original content.
  • Streaming Services Dominance: The top four networks with the most nominations are all streaming services (HBO Max, Netflix, Hulu, and Apple TV+), indicating that streaming platforms continue to be significant powerhouses in the entertainment industry, possibly due to their investment in original content and the changing consumption habits of viewers.
  • Traditional networks still compete: While streaming services dominate the top of the list, traditional networks like ABC (28 nominations), NBC (27 nominations), and CBS (20 nominations) still hold their own in terms of nominations, showing that conventional television still has a significant role in producing award-nominated content.
  • Wide variety of nominees: The list includes a mix of traditional networks, cable channels, and streaming services with varying numbers of nominations, reflecting the diversity of platforms that viewers have at their disposal for quality programming.
  • Streaming service growth: The presence of newer streaming platforms like Disney+ (40 nominations) and The Roku Channel (12 nominations) with notable numbers of nominations indicates the rapid growth and acceptance of newer entrants into the streaming market.
  • Depth of content: The variance in nomination numbers could reflect the depth and breadth of quality content each network possesses. Networks with more nominations like HBO Max and Netflix likely have a wider selection of shows that are considered high-caliber by Emmy standards.


  • For industry stakeholders, such as producers and investors, high nomination counts can be indicative of a network’s ability to attract top-tier talent and produce award-worthy content.
  • Consumption patterns might shift as audiences might gravitate towards networks with higher numbers of nominations and wins, expecting premium content offerings.
  • Networks with fewer nominations might be driven to reevaluate their content strategies to enhance their competitive edge and appeal.

Remember, the number of nominations doesn’t necessarily equate to quality but rather shows the recognition by the Emmy committee, which can influence public perception and industry prestige.

Number of wins for the Primetime Emmy Awards in the United States in 2022, by network

The graph below displays the number of wins for the Primetime Emmy Awards in the United States in 2022, sorted by network.

Here’s an analysis of the data presented:


  • Leading Networks: HBO/HBO Max leads with a total of 38 wins, followed by Netflix with 26 wins. This suggests HBO/HBO Max had a highly successful year at the Emmys, reinforcing its reputation for producing quality content that resonates with both the Academy and viewers.
  • Streaming Services Dominance: Streaming giants like HBO/HBO Max, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and Apple are all in the top six, indicating that streaming services are significant players in the television industry, potentially due to their investment in original content and the creative freedoms often associated with such platforms.
  • Traditional vs. Streaming: Traditional networks like NBC, CBS, and ABC have fewer wins compared to their streaming counterparts, suggesting a shift in the television landscape where streaming services are increasingly dominating awards shows.
  • Competing Platforms: The close competition between Hulu, Disney+, and Apple, each with 9 wins, signifies that these platforms are also producing content that is competitive in terms of quality and appeal. Additionally, Amazon with 7 wins is not far behind, indicating a robust rivalry in the streaming sector.
  • Smaller Networks: Networks like FX, VH1, National Geographic, TBS, CNN, and PBS have a modest presence at the awards, with 1 to 3 wins each. This might reflect either a niche audience, less investment in content that aligns with the Emmy’s preferences, or simply less output compared to larger networks.


  • HBO/HBO Max was the most awarded network at the 2022 Primetime Emmy Awards, suggesting a strong year for their original content.
  • Streaming services are leading in Emmy award wins, highlighting a potential shift in viewer and industry preferences towards on-demand streaming content.
  • Traditional broadcast networks have fewer wins, which could prompt these networks to evaluate their content strategies to compete with streaming services.
  • The competitive landscape indicated by the close number of wins among Hulu, Disney+, and Apple suggests that the battle for high-quality content and original programming is fierce among these platforms.

Overall, the graph points towards the continued rise and success of streaming services in defining the landscape of television, as evidenced by their recognition at major award shows like the Emmys.

SVOD services with the highest volume of award-winning content in the U.S.

The graph below presents a ranking of subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) services in the United States by the volume of award-winning content they have as of September 2022. The content is further categorized by age, with distinctions made between titles over 10 years old and those under 10 years old.

Here are some insights from the graph:


  • Award-Winning Content Volume: HBO Max leads with the highest amount of award-winning content titles among U.S. SVOD services, with a total of 678 titles. This suggests a strong emphasis on quality content that has garnered awards recognition.
  • Content Age: HBO Max’s collection is heavily weighted towards older content, with 503 titles over 10 years old compared to 175 titles under 10 years old. This could indicate a robust library of classic, critically acclaimed content that has stood the test of time.
  • Netflix and Amazon Prime Video follow HBO Max in the ranking, with a significant volume of award-winning titles as well. However, the majority of their award-winning content is also older, with Netflix showing a more balanced distribution between older and newer titles compared to Amazon Prime Video.
  • Hulu, on the other hand, shows a greater proportion of its award-winning content being under 10 years old, indicating a newer library that has more recently recognized content.
  • Criterion Channel stands out with all of its award-winning content being over 10 years old, which is consistent with its focus on classic and arthouse cinema.
  • Newer Services: Disney+ and Apple TV+ are notable for their larger proportions of recent award-winning content. Although they have fewer titles overall, this reflects a successful strategy in acquiring or producing quality content within a shorter operation period.
  • Market Implications: The availability of award-winning content can attract subscribers looking for high-quality viewing experiences. HBO Max’s leading position could be a significant draw for potential subscribers, even though much of this content is older.
  • Strategic Positioning: Services with a higher volume of newer award-winning titles like Hulu, Disney+, and Apple TV+ might be effectively positioning themselves as providers of fresh, critically lauded content.
  • Competitive Landscape: The variety in the age of award-winning titles across services indicates different content strategies and library strengths. This diversity suggests that SVOD platforms are tailoring their libraries to certain audiences or focusing on differentiating themselves through specific content niches.

Overall, the graph illustrates the competitive landscape of SVODs in terms of prestigious content offerings and highlights the variation in library composition concerning the age of award-winning titles.


In conclusion, our comprehensive exploration of Hulu statistics has provided a panoramic view of the streaming giant’s current standing and trajectory within the digital entertainment landscape.

From the overall Hulu subscriber statistics that chart a course of growth and adaptation, to the nuanced details of the ad-supported plan’s performance, we’ve traced the contours of Hulu’s market presence.

We delved into the content strategy that fuels Hulu’s library, highlighting how it meets viewers’ ever-evolving preferences and stands up in a crowded field of competitors.

We’ve also sized up Hulu against its rivals, offering a clear-eyed assessment of where it stands in a competitive race for viewership and industry dominance.

And, through a lens of critical acclaim, we’ve celebrated the accolades that underscore Hulu’s creative excellence and contribution to television’s golden era.

Each statistic and trend we’ve unveiled not only narrates a story of a company at the forefront of the streaming revolution but also provides valuable insights for viewers, investors, and industry analysts alike.

As we close this statistical odyssey, it’s evident that Hulu remains a formidable force in streaming, driven by strategic innovation, a robust content catalog, and a knack for capturing the cultural zeitgeist.

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Sarah Thompson

Sarah Thompson

Sarah, a University of Southern California graduate in Information Technology, is a seasoned IT professional and cybersecurity specialist with over a decade's experience. She honed her skills at a leading cybersecurity firm, specializing in data privacy and VPNs. Her meticulous approach and extensive hands-on experience make her a respected author and trusted voice in the industry, particularly on VPN and streamiing services.

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